Sunday 19 January 2014

Nuts, Forgotten Songs, and Don't Test Fate

Today I have noticed:

1.  The world is going nuts.  Well, when I see a poster on Facebook likening Derryn Hinch to Nelson Mandela, it makes me want to just go, 'Whoa, steady on!  Go to the kitchen and pour yourself a good long draught of perspective!'

2.  I'm worn out and my holiday has only just started.  But at the moment, I am feeling what is wonderfully like the predicted cool change in the weather and just Bring It On, I say.

3.  I've rediscovered a great old Aussie classic that was by Ghostwriters, whom I think were a hybrid of Midnight Oil and Hoodoo Gurus.  The Oils' drummer Rob Hirst featured, and when one listens to this number, one can definitely hear some of the Oils' influence.  That number, my friends, is 'Someone's Singing New York, New York'.  You Tube it and listen for yourselves.

4.  I will be away from the 'pute for a couple of days.  The neighbours will be watching our home as we travel en famille to Long Jetty for a couple of days.  We haven't taken the kids on holiday for so long.  Every time we've gone away over the past few years, we've stayed with family or friends. The last time we stayed anywhere, just us, was at the beginning of 2009 when we called into a motel on our way home from a cousin's 40th birthday party at Hornsby.  Yes, we had a night in a motel, and my little one kept jumping from bed to bed, and screaming outside the bathroom whilst I showered.  Thankfully, as he approaches his 10th birthday, he has outgrown that aggravating phase.  On the way back, we had a lovely day at the Reptile Park, where we not only looked at reptiles, we fed kangaroos and patted koalas.  My husband also faced his greatest fear and touched a snake.  A few weeks after, my husband suffered a small heart attack.  Could this have been a delayed reaction, I wonder?  Never fear, his ticker is in good condition now, especially since this infarction was a great impetus for him to stop smoking.  As a precaution, I will not face my fear and touch a frog.  I could be worrying about nothing, but why test fate?

Back in a few days.

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