Monday 13 January 2014

Couples, Covers, Class, & Crap

I so must get working on my 'work in progress' again, but I've put it on the back burner over school holidays, and I also have to finalise a subject on caring for people with disability.  It's my day off, and I'm just chillin', as you do, and listening to my 9yo and the 4yo from next door chatting and playing.  Instead of working on my subject, I've been goofing around on Facebook, as do many when they wish to waste time.  I am always surprised (although lamentably, I shouldn't be) when I look at community FB pages and see a post asking if anybody knows the telephone number of the post office in the next town.  It is difficult and almost insurmountable to suppress the urge to respond on the thread with, 'Why didn't you just Google it, dumbarse?'  Anyway, a group of which I am a member is having a theme today wherein we are posting songs featuring couples who have split up.  Some are pretty good (Eurhythmics, Ike and Tina Turner), some just make me want to wail, 'Why, God?  WHYYYYYY?' (Peter Andre and Katie Price aka Jordan).  Some of the posts have resonated with me, and I will set out hereunder why.

1.  Suzi Quatro's '48 Crash'.  I posted this, and it's relevant to the theme because Suzi's first husband was the lead guitarist of the band.  Most people would post 'Devil Gate Drive', but that song died in flames for me when I saw Suzi perform it in character as Leather Tuscadero in 'Happy Days, with Joanie Cunningham as a back up singer.  Besides, '48 Crash' is one of, if not THE, favourites of mine when it comes to the Goddess that is Suzi Quatro.  So I watched the clip, and Suzi's belting it out, with an industrial fan blowing her hair back.  I do believe she held a garage sale some years later, and that fan was purchased by Roger Voudouris and used as a hair-blowing-back device in the clip for 'Get Used To It'.

2.  Rod Stewart's 'Tonight's The Night'.  Someone posted this on the basis the clip features his then girlfriend Britt Ekland, and she murmurs something in sensual tones at the end.  I'm not sure what she's speaking, and I suspect it is in her native Swedish.  She might be muttering, 'You bloody clod; get off my hair!'  I watched this clip as a nine-year-old, and felt pretty sicked out.  As did my older sister, then aged about sixteen, who shrieked, 'God, he's ugly!'.  There's something scarring about seeing Rod Stewart pashing and feeling up somebody, when you're a mere thing of nine.  Shit, it doesn't do a lot for the chakras and bio-rhythms when you're staring down the barrel at forty-eight, either, come to think of it.

3.  Andy Gibb and Victoria Principal 'All I Have To Do Is Dream'.  Yes, Pamela Ewing from 'Dallas' once dated Andy Gibb and they recorded a cover of the old Everly Brothers song.  I am adopting a vulture-type crouch of embarrassment that I actually know this.

4.  And speaking of Everly Brothers covers, I HAD to post Bryan Ferry's remake of 'The Price Of Love', which features his then-squeeze, Jerry Hall.  I love this cover.  It's how covers SHOULD be done.  Classy.  Not done to a pseudo-reggae beat that has none of the original's poignancy and pathos (are you reading this, UB40?).  Not all hopped up and chirpy (like whoever shat on 'Song Sung Blue').  Not just tragic (like those execrable covers done by the Chantoozies in the 80s).  And when you can get Chris Spedding on guitar, which he did play a lot of in Roxy Music, then more power to you!

I am feeling good after this post.  I feel I am getting my mojo back.  I suppose I'd best go and feed my kid and get him to the swimming pool.

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