Wednesday 15 January 2014

Thursday Drivers

This is directed to the brain-dead imbecile in the white Hiace van. 

Today, I was driving down the main drag of town, and veered into the left lane to turn left into Brook Street.  The lane has a white arrow, and from this I know I must turn left into Brook Street. I have the common sense to know I cannot turn left while the green man is showing and there are people crossing, because I do not want to skittle these people; after all, they have done nothing to me.  So why did the dickhead in the lane right of me (whose traffic must go straight ahead and not turn left, right, or whoopsy-daisy) decide to turn left into Brook Street (cutting across the front of my vehicle) and almost knocking over the pedestrians who were then crossing Brook Street (pursuant to the directions indicated by the Green Man)? 

I blinked in disbelief, and muttered, 'Nice one, Dickhead!, and turned when it was SAFE for me to do so.  I found myself following the road-rule-challenged moron.  Here's a hint: when driving, pick a lane and stay in it.  Do not, I repeat: DO NOT attempt to drive along straddling two lanes.  This is not on.  Also, you indicate at a roundabout.  When you did that right turn at the roundabout at the intersection of Brook and Sowerby Streets, you should have flicked the sticky-out thing at the right hand of your steering wheel column in a downward direction (I admit I haven't driven a Hiace, so I'm presuming the blinker is on the right side of the column like most other vehicles I've driven).  It doesn't take a lot of energy to flick a blinker, and it is exceedingly important.  Possibly you were using your blinker hand to text.  Possibly you were scratching your genitals.  Possibly you were picking your nose.  Whatever.  What you were not doing is the right thing, and I had a look at the company name on the van and you know what?  I think I just might ring our employer right now.

Have an exceptionally shit day, you imbecilic cockhead. 

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