Monday 12 August 2019

Teabags (no, not the rude type!)

Amazingly, in a world that is being threatened by unstable tangerine numbskulls and an uncertain climatic future, what has people arguing is how long a teabag should be left to steep in the hot water. Yeah, you read that right. This is what has people losing their shit. Okay, just to clarify for everybody, the correct amount of time to leave a teabag brewing is however long YOU want because YOU'RE the one who has to drink the end product! For the record, I have my tea very strong with just a dash of milk, and no sugar. I cannot abide weak tea, or milky tea; however, if that is how you want your tea, then go for it. I will not judge you, although I do question the wisdom of putting the milk in the cup first. Apparently this is the 'proper' way it's done when using leaves in a pot, but I think it tastes like crap; you add the milk to the tea, not the tea to the milk, after all. In the same vein, I also cannot abide milk on the coffee beans before the hot water is added. Usually, I'd rather drink muddy water than instant coffee (I've been a snob ever since I won a cappuccino machine on Sale of the Century in 2001), but if I must have it, I cannot stand it when the milk is added first. I had a 'purist' of sorts once lecture me that pouring the hot water on first results in burning the coffee beans. Hey, nuke the fuckers to oblivion for all I care; I detest instant coffee that has been prepared by adding the milk first. So, I won't judge you if you leave your teabag in while you're drinking, or if you merely wave the bag over the cup of water - it's your decision. I WILL judge you severely if you throw a used teabag in the sink. This is what I hate when it comes to teabags: lazy slobs who can't put the damned used bag in the rubbish bin.

This is what I have been doing today: arguing with someone about robot sex dolls. They're incredibly lifelike, and to be honest, I have no problem with someone using one. The person with whom I argued is of a mind that the dolls make men think women are objects. I don't doubt some men do objectify women, and of course I think that's awful. However, if someone wants to use an incredibly realistic doll for sexual gratification, I am not one to kink-shame. I reckon those old latex blow-up things with suction cup mouths were far more creepy looking! I'd be interested to see some science or psychological reports, but my gut instinct is if someone wants to play with a doll, then let him or her play with the doll. Most people have enough sense to not let a personal kink spill into real life.  Look at it this way, when I was a kid I would play with my cousins who were lucky enough to have a collection of GI Joe and Barbie dolls. Being a silly twerp, I would arrange the dolls so it looked like they were having sex. You know what? I have had a few different jobs in  my working life, but pimp is not one of them. My older brother once cut off the hair of one of my dolls, but he's not a hairdresser.

Anyway, I have to get ready because I'm tutoring this afternoon. I have rediscovered on You Tube footage of Ronnie James Dio and Deep Purple performing with the London Symphony Orchestra. It's a blissful blend of musical styles, and I was in heaven watching!

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