Sunday 25 August 2019

On-Air Hosts in the Pool of Repugnance

Alan Jones, sitting in the studio of 2GB: 'I am the most obnoxious twatwaffle when it comes to speaking with or about women in some position of authority."

Ben Fordham, also sitting in the studio of 2GB: 'Here, hold my beer.'

Uh, yeah. I wonder if, when briefed to scout on-air talent (talent - HAH!), the HR department of 2GB run an ad along these lines:

"On-Air Position: Privileged male WASP-type sought to host show wherein people in authority will be either discussed or interviewed. Must bleat sexist views and conduct interviews in the most repulsive, offensive, and unpalatable manner imaginable. The ability to cry like a whiny entitled bitch when caught out an advantage."

If you haven't heard, Ben Fordham, whilst interviewing Premier Gladys Berejiklian, asked her whether she would personally have an abortion. Fordham would likely defend this odious and inappropriate question by stating it is relevant because of the abortion bill being debated in NSW Parliament.

I have never hidden my dislike of our Premier's policies and skewed set of priorities. I stand by my previous comments, and my utter disgust at her capitulation to Alan Jones after he acted like a she-bitch with a barbed wire tampon over the Sydney Opera House's refusal to allow the sails to advertise horse racing (as per the Opera House's charter regarding gambling). However, she is the Premier of the State, and should NEVER have been questioned in this manner. Would Fordham ask a male politician whether he had tried to coerce or dissuade a partner on the subject of abortion? I'm running with: No.

These clowns must suit up in scuba gear and oxygen tanks to enable them to reach the nadir of the slimy black pool of repugnance in which they swim-crawl.

Fordham, you're a grubby pile of filth. What you did wasn't cool in any way, but sadly, your bosses are rubbing their sweaty palms together and jizzing themselves over all the outrage because there is a line of thinking that no publicity is bad publicity.

Apropos of nothing, in the event anybody cares, last night I listened to Rak Off, Normie by Maureen Elkner. The lyrics 'along came a lair in a hot FJ' are not exactly Sondheim quality, but there is a unique Aussie nostalgia to them. Yes, I'd had a couple of glasses of wine before choosing to listen to that.

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