Saturday 17 August 2019


"I note some concern about my comment this morning re New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and her remarks and preaching about climate change.
Of course what I meant to say was that Scott Morrison should tell Ms Ardern to "put a sock in it."
There are many people who would relish the opportunity to misinterpret things that I have said as we have seen online this afternoon. Of course I would not wish any harm to Jacinda Ardern.
This wilful misinterpretation distracts from my point that she was wrong about climate change and wrong about Australia’s contribution to carbon dioxide levels."
Alan Jones
15 August, 2019

Alan, I sincerely apologise for my 'wilful misinterpretation' of your original comment regarding the Prime Minister of New Zealand, a woman who, unlike the NSW Premier, won't dance when you pull the strings, which is probably the basis of your distaste for her. But I don't like to wilfully misinterpret things, and for that, I apologise. It was very easy to misunderstand the phrase you used: '...shove a sock down her throat'; after all... hey, wait...

No, that came out all wrong. I don't think I DID wilfully misinterpret' what you said. Neither of those proffered phrases assonate in any way and the only common denominator is the word 'sock'.  I am pretty sure I did not mix up the relatively innocuous, albeit silly, old saying 'put a sock in it' with the vicious and maliciously intended hint at violence that lies beneath 'shove a sock down her throat'.  You're nothing more than a toxic, filthy, misogynistic bag of mouldy dung, and I'm glad advertisers are withdrawing their sponsorship from the ranty-tanty that passes as your radio show. (As a sidenote, how do you like 'ranty-tanty'? I just made it up then, and it's pretty good, doncha reckon? And another sidenote, I think this is the first time I've used the word 'misogynistic', because I hate the way it's always been misused, but I think it applies to you).

Anyway, I've got to get going. Got some study to do, and some lessons to prepare. Oh, and a book launch to organise. 

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