Wednesday 21 August 2019

Once Upon a New England, NSW

I'm feeling a bit carefree today because I was reminded of a time before I had children. The catalyst for this pleasant association was a 'date' with Mr Bingells today, when we went to my local cinema to view the latest offering from Nineties Cinema Wunderkind, Quentin Tarantino, which is a piece titled Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Mr Bingells and I have not gone a jaunt to the cinema for a long, long time, and I really enjoyed our outing today. Also, I quite enjoyed the film, but as you can likely tell from my description above, I'm a fan of Tarantino, anyway.  I think what captivated me the most was the performance of Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead; he's got some serious acting talent going for him. Brad Pitt was terrific, too. And to those who complained Margot Robbie didn't get enough lines, and she must have lots and lots of lines because she's female: go and pour yourselves a nice cold drink of Get Real. Margot's character, being Sharon Tate, didn't NEED a heap of extraneous lines because it wasn't about Tate, and Margot was able to give a luminous portrayal without parroting dialogue.  And given the length of the movie, it's a really good thing that there WASN'T a shitload of tokenistic dialogue. Put it this way: the lights went down at 11.15, and the credits rolled at 2.00pm. If you're planning to see this movie, I recommend it highly, but further recommend you do a wee beforehand, and take lots and lots of food. A twelve course degustation should cover it, and keep the hunger pangs at bay.

I live in the New England electorate, but have been so far spared the annoying cold call of the Barnaby Joyce robocall. A word of warning, Barns: if I pick up my phone and hear your shit, I am going to hurl the phone with such ferocity it will leave a hole in my wall and possibly smash the windscreen of my vehicle parked outside. In case nobody's told you, the Abortion Bill being discussed is a State issue and you're a Federal politician (well, you purport to be a politician, but I'm thinking you should think it over). Your emotive, and erroneous, bullshit is a load of pig dung. A termination performed at the salient time of pregnancy, being very late therein, is not a decision made on a whim. If you paid some attention, what's being proposed would require a sign-off from two doctors, and is not some 'Oh, hey! Don't think I want a baby, after all!' gibberish just suddenly dreamt up by the mother. It is a decision that is reached upon realisation the foetus is not viable, will likely during or shortly after birth, or continuation of the pregnancy is likely to be dangerous to the mother's health. It is a decision made regarding a very much wanted pregnancy, and is one made in the throes of anguish and heartbreak. Over the past few years you have:

1. Tried to block the potentially lifesaving HPV vaccine because you were worried it could encourage promiscuity among young females. I'm certain the ingredients of the vaccine don't contain a hormone that turns the vaccinated person into a raging, slavering, slobbering nymphomaniac, and in case nobody's told you, other people's sex lives have nothing to do with you.

2. Tried to block same sex marriage because you were (1) worried about the sanctity of marriage; and (2) wanted your daughters to have a chance to be married. (1) is just stupid because, whilst still a married man, you shagged and impregnated a staffer, and (2) is even more stupid because the chances of your daughters marrying have nothing to do with same sex marriage, because the guys who will marry under the umbrella of same sex marriage are going to marry the SAME SEX, and even without the legislation, would still not be marrying your daughters because these guys are GAY. Understand that?

Stop trying to control women's bodies, you horrid and florid crimson jackass.

But yeah, reader, go and watch the new Tarantino movie (but pack a lunch).

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