Monday 1 June 2015

Questions & Answers

I'm in the process of promoting my work via a new Facebook group I've joined, and I'm going to be featured on someone's site in early July, and in preparation I've been emailed a list of questions from which to pick 5 to 10 to answer, either about myself or the work I'm promoting.  The work I promote is 'Silver Studs and Sabre Teeth', and click on my links and read the first chapter.  One of the subplots involves same sex marriage, and that's quite topical at the moment.  Bill Shorten's presented something in Parliament, and it's high time we as a nation recognised we can't treat one sector of the community as second class citizens in not giving them the right to legally marry. 

But in the meantime, I'm checking out this list of questions, and I don't know whether to answer as myself, or a character in my work.  I will probably answer as myself, because it's easy.  Some of the questions, along with my proposed answers,  are:

Q. Your most embarrassing moment in three words.
A. Skinny dipping, spotlight.

Q. What secret talents do you have?
A. Not telling!  They're secret for a good reason! (and then I'll insert a 'wink' emoticon).

Q.  What is the biggest lie you've ever told?
A.  Mmmm, this spaghetti bolognaise is delicious!  (I know that's boring, but I'm not much of a liar, and the person who cooked this meal is a dire wreck in the kitchen).

Q.  Most hated chore on the household chore list?
A.  All of them.  Why discriminate?  (although I detest ironing, and approach the iron with all the anticipatory cheer and hope of someone approaching a festered camel dick).

Q. What's your favourite line from any movie?
A. I can't pick. 'Juicy fruit, my favourite' from 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', maybe.  Perhaps 'You're fucken head's coming right off, buddy!' from 'M*A*S*H' - totally unscripted - the actor adlibbed, and the producers fought to keep that line in the movie.  The 1970 flick 'M*A*S*H' is the first non R-rated movie to actually use the F-word.  It's during the scene where the 4077th are playing gridiron against an Evac unit.  Check it out.  And I have the strangest crush on Donald Sutherland as Hawkeye Pierce in this movie, too.  Don't know why.

Mmmm, whaddyas reckon?

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