Saturday 6 June 2015

An Invitation To Learn The Difference Between Noun & Verb

At the time of typing (4.21pm AEST), I am counting down the minutes before I start work today (I've been rostered on the local evening medication run).  Today I've been listening to music, as is my wont, but the music to which I have been listening is from the year 1973, ie, the year I turned seven years of age as it's a theme I'm following today with my Facebook friends.  It was an interesting year, musically.  I posted:

1.  'Duelling Banjos'.  The clip I posted is from the movie and it's the scene between the characters Drew, and the horrible looking little inbred who makes ET look positively cute.  (Call me a bitch, but I did not find that wizened ugly monster ET charming.  Nay, I found him nauseating).  Come to think of it, there was a kid on my school bus that looked like ET.  But yes, the banjo player vs the guitar player scene is very atmospheric.  Actually, the whole film is atmospheric.  And it must be said, the kid's musical talent matches his superficial ugliness.  This is seriously one of cinema's all time creepy kids.  He even out-creeps Damien in 'The Omen'.  That being said, great music.

2. 'See My Baby Jive' by Wizzard, with the prolific front man Roy Wood.  Loved it when I was little, even though I thought he was singing 'See My Baby Die', and thought this a ghoulish subject, particularly with 'everyone you meet, coming down the street, just to see my baby DIE'.  So incongruously upbeat a tune for such a maudlin topic.  I'm glad I realised what the actual song is called.

3.  'We're An American Band' by Grand Funk.  I posted a film clip of them performing live, because the guitarist is topless and, as I'm fond of pointing out, has a body that could have been carved by Michelangelo.  Fuck me, he's a hottie. 

Sometimes I wish I had turned, say, sixteen the year of 1973, so I could really claim this music as my own.  However, I have older brothers and sisters, and got to hear this a lot when I was little.  The music from when I turned sixteen just totally sucks the balls of a bull elephant dry.  It's stuff like 'Tainted Love' by Soft Cell (shudder), and 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' by Tight Fit (double-shudder).  So much suckeroo then.

Been a bit of a stink in the news about the leaders of Hillsong inviting some knob to speak.  Apparently their invitation was issued prior to his rather silly comments being made public knowledge.  It doesn't mean the local leaders of Hillsong endorse his views, which seem to be along the line of a woman is made to fit a man's penis, or something.  (Actually, I thought something similar was taught in biology and sex education).  I think there's been a petition to ban him speaking in England, and I'm just waiting for some such petition to appear in my in-box seeking revocation or refusal of his visa to Australia.  And again, I will lose my shit because there is no reason (to my knowledge), he should be refused entry to our country.  Is what he's saying likely to promote possible harm to people?  I think what he's credited with saying is absurd, nonsensical, and to be honest, I find it offensive.  But if you don't like what he's got to say, either don't listen to him; or else go along with some refuting counter arguments.  But please stop circulating online petitions.  Hey, the band Cold Play set my teeth on edge at times, but I'm not starting a petition to stop them, as tempting as it gets.

By the way, you will note in the above paragraphed I said this pastor was issued an 'invitation'.  I did not say he was given an 'invite'.  You know why?  'Invite' is a VERB, not a noun, people  Yet, more and more I read articles where the word is used as a verb, and it ensues that more and more I have to fight an almost insurmountable urge to find a cat and kick it.  Stop using it as a noun, people.  Stop it at once.  It's evil.

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