Wednesday 10 June 2015

Dumb-Arses of the Day

'Well, the moonlight kind of threw me/And the red wine's getting to me...'  Those a lyrics from a 1981 song by Keith Marshall called 'Only Crying'.  I've always liked it.  There's a kind of pathos in this delivery that always spoke to me, and it's how I feel sometimes.   I don't know if there is a moon tonight; I haven't actually looked.  I do know I've had some red wine.  I was feeling all kind of chipper earlier: got some editing done on my manuscript, bought a new shower curtain (look, I know that's not a sphincter loosener in the excitement stakes, but I live a life of rural domesticity, and my shower curtain was manky, and I needed a new one, and I like my new one, and it's exciting to me, okay?), and other things.  Prepared dinner and listened to my iPod, got the school lunches done for tomorrow, and felt virtuous.  Still haven't stacked the dishwasher, but I'm tired and beyond giving much of a crap about it.  The scungy plates will still be there in the morrow, of this I am sure.  They're not getting stacked tonight.  Everyone else is in bed, and I shall be too.  Soon.

I think the red wine's getting to me, as Mr Marshall sang when I was a skinny young lass of fifteen, because there are just too many dumb-arses walking the planet, and stealing perfectly good oxygen.  A perfect example is that pair (I won't name them here, but by all means Google if you're curious, peeps) who have announced that should same-sex marriage laws be passed in Australia, they are going to divorce as a protest.  Like many of my colleagues and countrymen, I read this and wanted to grab them both, shake them, and ask, 'What are you people, fucking stupid?'  This offends some religious sensibilities, so it seems.  The male of the pair was once employed by the Australian Christian Lobby.  Hey listen, you people want to believe in some invisible wizard who lives in the sky, then go right the fuck ahead.  I believe one day Hugh Jackman is going to appear at my front door, dressed in a white naval uniform, and brandishing a wicked spanking paddle, and he's going to say, 'Simone, I hear you've been a naughty girl.'  Hey, it might happen, okay?  And the odds of the delicious Mr Jackman (and if he's unavailable I'll settle for Colin Firth) materialising as aforementioned far outweigh the odds of the some supernatural being having the final say over everything.  There are political parties I find worrisome: ones named after their founder (think Palmer United Party, or Pauline Hanson's One Nation), and ones with a religious bent (this just in: Australia's not a theocracy).  But yeah, if you pair are ludicrous and brain-dead enough to spend money in the Family Court (which when I was still working in law amounted to $500.00, so it's probably much more than that now) to get a divorce to protest the marriage of someone who doesn't concern you, all for some theistic myth that marriage is a religious institution (it didn't start that way), then I guess you should, as I said before, go right the fuck ahead.  The people who support same sex marriage, which is apparently the majority of the country, will not have their views swayed by idiotic protests.  Seriously, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Now, while we're on the subject of same-sex marriage, and I need to segue to my most recently released novel, there is such a topic addressed in my - ahem! - most recently released novel Silver Studs and Sabre Teeth.  There is also a Marc Bolan impersonator.  Same-sex marriage and Marc Bolan impersonators should make for an interesting read.  I will put the link to the first chapter here, so you can click on it and have a read.  It is my hope that reading will have you so enthralled, you will be compelled to click on the shopping cart icon of the website of the publisher, in this case Zeus Publications.  You could also got to, and also to your local bookstore and have them order one in for you.  The bookstore option is a good one; let's support our businesses.  Well, here's the link, and thanks for calling by to read my piece:

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