Thursday 12 December 2013

Today's Vagaries

So many vagaries in my mind, a mind I must shortly take off to the boudoir.  I have just read Troy Cassar-Daly and Adam Harvey have quit or disassociated or something from the Country Music Awards because John Williamson has criticised their duets album as sounding too American.  I don't care if it sounds too 'American', or too 'Australian', or too 'outer-edge-of-Uzbekistani', and what is 'too American', anyway?  Is it a shortening of the vowels so the word 'pass' sounds like 'gas' (hey, pass gas - bahahahahaha!), instead of the broad sound Australians use, so it's a bit more like 'pahss'?  No matter the diction or delivery, most country music to me sounds like whiney, self-serving, shitty drivel delivered through the nasal passages.  Or pahssages, if you want to be reeeaaaallly broad with the 'a' vowel.  I live within a two hour drive from Tamworth, and when asked do I intend to visit for the Country Music Festival my answer is invariably, 'Probably not.  You see, most country music makes me want to pull a Chopper Read and hack off my ears.'  Does John Williamson think Troy Cassar-Daly and Adam Harvey should sound like him?  IMHO, he sounds really fucking awful.  I cringe when the rugby is on, and the All Blacks perform a blood-chilling haka because what do we have to offer?  'Waltzing Matilda' sounding like it is being sung by an adenoidal camel. 

The High Court of Australia have overturned the ACT's same sex marriage laws.  I thought this would happen because I was pretty sure marriage is under the umbrella of Commonwealth law, not State or Territory law.  This decision has voided the marriages of those people who took part in the same sex marriages the other day.  They must be gutted.  They must be proud.  They must be so many things.  I just wish they could be happy.  Is it not time to change the wording of the Act, and to enable a law to be passed allowing same-sex couples to marry?  New Zealand did it, and the world hasn't spun off its axis and disintegrated yet.  Come on, as pointed out above, they have this funky cultural haka and we have a jingoistic cringe for sports matches, let's prove we can be just as considerate of people's human rights as our friends across the Tasman.

I must sign off now, and put the cup cakes I have baked into a container, ready for icing tomorrow morning.  It is my 12yo's Year 6 Graduation tomorrow morning, and I am one of the mums who volunteered to bake cup cakes (as well as make a cobb loaf dip) for the party.  It was an emotional day today, being the Presentation Day.  I sat on the stage with some other people (I presented a drama award), and his name was called out for his class Academic Achievement award; I was able to get a good picture of him getting his certificate and medal.  Although nominated and having participated in the tests, he was not named Dux.  But you know what?  He has attended seven end of year presentations, and collected six (count 'em - SIX!) awards for Academic Achievement.  I have pushed through my loins one smart kid.  In any event, I was glad I ironed his shorts last night.  The last time I ironed his school uniform at all was a few days before he started kindergarten.  However, when I went to inspect him before he left for the bus this morning, I discovered there will still a drawing adorning his lower arm.  This was a sketch he did yesterday, and it looked horribly like an erect penis flanked by two testicles.  It looked like a crude prison tattoo.  Naturally I yelled, and grabbed the washcloth whereupon I scrubbed so hard, I almost fileted his arm.  If he was going to win Dux, he was not going to do it with a vulgar drawing on his arm.  Oh well.  Maybe I should have left it there.

Got other things on my mind, but they will have to wait for the next post.

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