Monday 30 December 2013

My Inner Brockovich & Lycanthropy

Years ago, I had a little boy who would spring up from the mat at preschool and run across the room with his arms outstretched, calling in delight, 'Mum-meeee!' when it was time to collect him.  Today I heard that little boy discussing an x-box strategy with one of his best mates.  He said, 'No, that idea sucks penis holes!'  This must be sign #15 that My Little Boy Is Growing Up.  I also issued a warning against that terminology in the house.

Not much happening in the world according to Bingells.  I have to study a chapter on disabled care.  I am also awaiting the cover art for my next book 'Silver Studs & Sabre Teeth', which I anticipate receiving early in the new year.  Once the art is approved, the book goes to print, and I go on the PR offensive.  Who likes social issues such as same sex marriage, male depression, and the right to listen to whatever one chooses in the privacy of one's own home?  Who likes glam rock?  Well, blog-browsers, you can read all about it in the upcoming novel. 

I have also been doing a little agitating on the community FB page because I was so annoyed at the refusal of a DA for a brothel in the main street at the end of town.  Why?  Well, may you ask given I have no vested interested in the proposed business.  From my last post, you will see I find the ignorance and NIMBY-ism just plain offensive.  The business will have a flow on effect in town, after all, the ladies and management have to buy lunches and shop for groceries SOMEWHERE, don't they?  At the councillor's suggestion, I read the objections and minutes of council meeting, whereupon I went straight back to my thread and said that my opinion hasn't change and I stand by my original comments.  Hizzoner has weighed in, and by God, I am feeling alive!  I will admit I am not a councillor, but the grounds for refusal do like a hotchpotch of spurious rhetoric.  Why are nearby businesses worried about a downturn in custom?  ('I need to buy a new air conditioner.  Maybe I'll get a better deal on air conditioners at the brothel.'  Pfffft, gimme a break!).  Meanwhile, I am really liking this rebellious streak in me.  I said to my husband, 'I don't understand why I'm like this.  Well, I kind of do because this NIMBY-ism is stupid, and the developers appear to be doing the right thing and not getting a fair go.  I have no vested interest in the proposed brothel, and I seem to be coming over all Erin Brockovich.  But I think I know what I MIGHT be getting out of this; the plot for my next book!'

Last night 'Teen Wolf' was screened on television, starring the ubiquitous feature of the Eighties, Michael J Fox.  If you've seen it, you will know there is a scene were he morphs into a werewolf on the basketball court.  I do not know what is more ludicrous a scenario: lycanthropy, or someone of Fox's stature playing basketball.

Happy New Year.

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