Sunday 1 December 2013

Kinda Lingers

Just read an online article about an upcoming movie 'Charlie Countryman', in which the MPAA (apparently the US equivalent of the classification board) did not want to deliver a rating on this movie until a scene depicting the female character receiving cunnilingus was cut.  I'm not certain  how graphic this scene was.  Won't get to find out, except perhaps in the 'deleted scenes' on the DVD, should I choose to hire it.  What has been left in is some very graphic violence.  This leads me to think it's okay to see people getting tortured and blown to confetti, but God forbid a woman receive pleasure.  This does not sit right with me.  I am not going to trot out the most over- and misused word of 2013, ie, 'misogyny', but it is sexism and chauvinism and hypocrisy, and just downright stupid.

MPAA, please get out of the caves and evolve, like the rest of us have.  Years ago, I watched a British farce called 'Confessions Of A Driving Instructor'.  As the title would suggest, this was no 'Citizen Kane'.  I didn't see it in 1976 when it first came out, nor would I have been allowed to because I was only ten years of age then.  I watched it on video at a friend's house in 1984, when I was eighteen and believed I knew everything.  Like many eighteen-year-olds, I was a tad obnoxious back then.  At forty-seven, I probably still am just a tad.  Anyway, there is a scene where the male lead ( who looked disconcertingly like Mick Jagger) is on the golf course, and flirting with a lady golfer.  She says something (can't remember exactly what), and he gets what she is hinting at, and kneels down in front of her, and we see her bliss-filled face as she hisses, 'Oh, yesssssss!'  It is obvious the male character is going down on her.  It is also obvious that this did not cause the earth to spin off its axis and disintegrate.

But the FUNNIEST cunnilingus scene I ever saw was in a film called 'Re-Animator'.  This is pure Eighties schlock, in which a scientist invented a serum capable of bringing the dead back to life.  His rival fought him for the formula, and ended up with his head chopped off.  The scientist (Dr West) thought, 'Aha!' and injected the serum into the both the body and head of his rival.  The body parts came back to life, and went on a rampage (the body being controlled by the head).  It arranged for the kidnapping of a woman with whom it was infatuated (after it had been walking around the hospital with a surgically-masked mannequin's head on its shoulders, and carrying its own head in a sports bag with holes cut in for vision).  The woman came to on a slab, where she was tied down, and - I shit you not - the body picked up the head and placed it between the woman's legs.  Perhaps this is imagery and metaphors on the part of the director.  More likely it's an attempt to have the audience shriek with horrified laughter.  I sure did.  My then flatmate had been out on a date, and when he returned home I asked him how the date had gone, etc.  He explained he had taken his date to a movie, and this was what they had viewed.  I asked him about the movie was like, and it took ages to get an explanation because he kept breaking down in giggles: 'half the people in the cinema walked out!', '...and the head was going down on this chick!'. 

Anyway, can the MPAA please review its priorities?  That goes for our own censorship lot here,  I've been trying to ascertain whether there is a petition going on to have the needless photoshopping of women's genitals stopped.  Will let you know if I find out.

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