Sunday 8 December 2013

Today's List

Might just do a little list of things that are sucking in the world according to Bingells of late.  Do you all care?  Maybe, maybe not.  In any event, enjoy the following post:

1.  That disgusting cow head skull that has made its way (probably via the dog next door) to the stretch of yard at the side of my house.  Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE skulls!  I do.  As an artistic motif, I think they're awesome.  Friends buy me skull mugs as souvenirs when they are on their travels, such is my fetish.  I'm as weird as you can get without actually carving a skull into my bicep and filling it in with ink from a leaky pen.  I first noticed this monstrosity on the nature strip at the front of my neighbour's house.  My 9yo was playing on his scooter, and their 3yo was playing on his bicycle.  'Yuck!' cried I, 'Where did this disgusting thing come from?'  The 3yo looked at me, all innocence and purity, and said, 'It felled-ed out of the sky.'  (Oh, bless).  I sneakily thought, 'Not my nature strip; not my problem'.  Well, it has become my problem because the horrid thing is now in my yard.  I don't know if it was the dog next door, or if the thing is cursed like something in a Wes Craven film, but it's in my yard.  And my dogs have been having a good old chomp.  My miniature foxy's breath is now reminiscent of a charnel pit in Hell.

2.  Drawing the bowser at my local petrol station with the bung hose.  Seriously, it trickles and dribbles like the cock of an ejaculating nonagenarian.  Sorry for the image you probably have in your head, but this is how it is.

3.  Being abused online because I cracked a tasteless joke.  I will not go into too much detail about the joke, but it involved cigarettes, Liberace, and the 'fag' word.  Someone called me a homophobe.  I am a person who actively supports same sex marriage.  I am a person who tells off my children the moment I hear one of them use a homophobic slur as an insult.  I am also a person who, if a bit miffed about a comment, will point it out to the poster without becoming abusive (all the while respecting their right to an opinion).  I would not fire off abuse and then unfriend somebody, or leave an online group after a bunch of abuse without giving my victims a chance to respond or defend themselves.  I do not particularly care to have my picture in the dictionary next to the words 'Craven Chickenshit', because I really do think this would be the definition.

Not everything is bad.  Today I reacquainted myself with a classic from my favourite childhood band, The Sweet.  The song is 'The Sixteens'.  It's got their signature awesome rhythm tandem team of Mick Tucker and Steve Priest.  Andy Scott treats us to the most angsty riffs that really seem to capture the pathos of this song.  Brian does his unique vocals, and Steve does back up, and it all blends to show what a talented band they were, particularly with the harmonies that easily rivalled Queen.

Well, something else I don't like is vacuuming, but it must be done.  Thank you for reading.

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