Tuesday 17 December 2013

Just Desserts

I loved Christmas when I was a kid.  Usually.  I quite like it as an adult.  But this year I feel I am buried in a quagmire of ennui and blandness.  I have a fair idea what it is: exhaustion.  It has been non-stop for the past almost week.  I've been baking and icing cupcakes for the Year 6 graduation, helping to set up the hall for the dance (and crying like a sook), worked quite a few hours on Saturday, and had to take the youngest for swimming lessons and a birthday pool party on Sunday.  Yesterday we attended the high school library for an information about the teachers and lessons our oldest can expect when he starts high school next year, where he is in the opportunity class (he is one bright little biscuit!).  And I still have to wrap Christmas presents, write Christmas cards, and run the house because my husband is still a bit incapacitated.  And to crown it all, it's been seriously, revoltingly, can't-stand-it-anymore HOT.  My husband told me he would love to have the neighbours over for a BBQ on Saturday, along with a friend of ours and her kids, and I am seriously not wanting to partake in this.  I am too. Bloody. Exhausted.  I just want to cry a lot of the time these past few days.

It's too hot to hang the Christmas lights and angels outside - bah, humbug!

It's so hot the cockroaches are out in force - we are not dirty, but they hang out around our dishwasher when it's hot weather.  Hate 'em all!

Today I got into my car, and what should be coming through the speakers but Jim Diamond singing 'I Should Have Known Better'.  Oh, this song is direct from Satan's backside.  Hate it so much, especially that loathsome 'I-Yi-Yi-Yi-Yiiiiii!' chorus.

Got work Christmas luncheon tomorrow, and my team is in charge of desserts.  Two of the women will be preparing them, with the rest of us contributing.  I don't mind, and won't fuss too much.  Kitties work.  They are good.  Have been in enough share house accommodations to know there's no point splitting hairs about them because you were away over the weekend and therefore didn't get to eat two days' worth of food etc.  My point is, I will not be eating any of the desserts offered.  First of all, I am trying to lose a bit of weight.  Second of all, I don't like many desserts and the ones being done are the desserts I detest the most.  Trifle because it consists of everything I hate: soggy, sherry-loaded cake, custard (I just hate the texture of this), jelly (see custard for explanation); and cream (I have hated cream mightily, ever since I was a little tacker).  The end result of trifle looks and smells like a bowl of freshly-parked vomit.  Pavlova: a true yuck-fest of sickly meringue and cream.  The final dessert, as the cook doesn't want to waste the egg yolks after she has made the meringue for the Pav, will be - wait for it, are you sitting down? - lemon meringue pie.  Seriously, how can anyone stand to eat lemon meringue pie?  Yet another offering from Satan's kitchen.  My stomach is churning and my face is screwing up just at the thought of it.

Anyway, better stop bitching, and get tidying in the kitchen. 

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