Saturday 21 December 2019

More of Murdoch's Muppets

It was my sorry experience to view footage of social commentators discussing Scott Morrison on Sunrise this morning. Yes, I know morning television is a blight sure to annoy, but I found the clip in my social media feed, and clicked on it. I cannot recall having been so angry for a long time, maybe since Forrest Gump won Best Picture over Pulp Fiction - a travesty that will confound me to my grave (seriously, Academy, what the fuck were you thinking?).

The commentators were Gretel Killeen and Chris Smith, and the host was that Basil with the surname I can't remember, and any respect I had for him flatlined the time they were discussing IVF, and he, along with the cohorts, took a flippant and insensitive attitude. Let me tell you my respect was not revived in any way when I viewed the clip.

The topic for discussion was the criticism aimed at Prime Minister Scott Morrison for taking leave during this current bushfire crisis. I agree the man is entitled to go on holiday with his family, but this is an EMERGENCY, and he has to show leadership (yeah, I know; stop rolling around laughing and get up off the floor). Yes, I know fire services are State issues, but this is a NATIONAL crisis. Morrison has the leadership of a sheep that's running along behind its flock, dried dags clicking and clacking like castanets - an apt thought, given the Prime Minister tries to market himself as a loveable daggy dad. News just in, Scomo: you don't come across as loveable; you come across as ineffectual and bungling. He also had the ungodly temerity to criticise then Victorian Police Commissioner Christine Nixon for going out to dinner during the Black Saturday bushfire crisis. Nixon goes out for a feed when an area of a State was affected; Scomo fucks off to Hawaii when large sections of the country are burning; who can tell me what's wrong with this picture?

It's all well and good for him to say he's being briefed by the Deputy PM etc, but have you SEEN the dim-witted deputies etc? Talk about Dolts on Parade. McCormack stood there bleating about people holding up signs with misspelled words, and had the gall to end that sentence with a preposition. We have a cop frightening a little girl protesting outside Kirribili House (this little girl's home had been lost in the fire) instead of speaking to the little girl's father, who was right beside her.

So naturally the topic was discussed on morning television today. Well, I say 'discussed', but there was no discussion from Chris Smith. He interrupted Gretel and shouted over her, spiralling to such a state of manic apoplexy that he almost wet his pants. Smithy, I'm guessing you have not done a lot of debating in your time, and I'm guessing nobody's ever told you about basic manners, either, but there are some things of which you should be made aware (and Michael McCormack, this is how to not end sentences with prepositions):

1. In a discussion, the other person has the right to speak sans interruption.

2. Shouting over the other person will not strengthen your own argument; if anything, it weakens it, and shows you up for the obnoxious buffoon you are.

3. My jaw is still aching after it hit the floor when I saw you shout that Scott Morrison is the greatest leader we've ever had. Seriously, man, are you taking the piss? Here's an idea: don't suck a crack pipe when you're in the green room awaiting your television appearance. This is the only explanation I can come up with for your outrageous and laughable assertion.

And as for Basil What's-His-Face, you sat there like an impotent lump whilst that loudmouth Smith carried on like a rude, bullying horse's arse. The He-Can-Have-A-Holiday rhetoric you guys spouted, and the rudeness to the guest who pointed out we are in crisis and Scomo's leadership is lacking, just lends credence to my theory that Sunrise is a conduit for the LNP, and you are nothing more than incapacitated acolytes fellating Murdoch.

There's no cool way to do this segue, so I'm just going to say to those who've not finalised their Christmas shopping, how about buying my novels as gifts for those you love? Check them out via the links on the home page of this blog.

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