Wednesday 15 February 2017

Keyboards, Yassmin vs Jacqui, Cakes in Rain

I'm starting to feel a little better.  Finally.  Just a little, mark you; not a lot. I'm actually typing this at home because I have a new computer.  I'm sitting at my dining table because I don't yet have a replacement computer desk, but the finalised list has been emailed to our insurer, and I daresay we can go shopping for one soon.  Yes, a new computer desk, and a new kitchen pantry, new linen cupboard, new homework desks - so much stuff wrecked in that fucking flood.  I'm at home today but I can't find the book I want to read because it's packed away somewhere pending the purchase of new bookshelves to replace the ones that also got wrecked.  I have a shitload of towels to be washed, but no washing machine and I'm not lugging them to the laundromat in this heat because Mr Bingells has the car.  Also, got a builder here repairing damaged skirting board in my son's bedroom. 

But I have a computer.  That's good.  What is not so good is for some stone cold, motherless, stupid reason my 15yo decided it would be a good idea to put the corded keyboard with it, and not the wireless one.  I'm a Luddite, and haven't figured out how to put the wireless one back (but I'm sure I could if I tried).  In any event, if the personification of smart-arsedness to which I gave birth wants to fartarse around with the keyboard, he can damn well change it back.  I don't like this keyboard because I don't find the keys as ergonomic to type with as they are on the other one.  Master 15 doesn't type, really; he uses arrow keys on some game.  There is no logic, rhyme or reason to the machinations and actions of teenage boys.  I cannot wait until he has his own place; I am going to visit him and remove the back off every remote control he owns, change the settings on his computer prior to monopolising it, eat everything in the refrigerator, and give answers in what can be best described as sarcastically nuanced grunts.

Did anybody else catch 'Q&A' on Monday night?  How much fun was the stoush between Senator Jackie Lambie and Yassmin Abdel-Mageid?  Seriously, I was waiting for the scrag fight behind the dunnies to commence, and winner would go home with the loser's lunch money and boyfriend.  Now ladies, and I use that term extreeeeeeemely loosely, listen to Auntie Bingells: take it in turns and you will both get the chance to speak.  However, Auntie Bingells knows that this would make for utterly shit-boring television which is possibly why Tony Jones didn't break it up straight away.  Either that or he feared for his life if he intervened, and didn't fancy becoming a whirlwind mass of flying hair, skin, spectacles, and cufflinks.  Senator Lambie, we are not going to have Sharia law here; this great land of ours is governed by rule of law, and it is a secular one wherein Constitution does not allow for religious rule.  Yassmin, I get the impression you were trying to explain  your interpretation of what Sharia law entails, and it would have been interesting to hear this from a woman who is Muslim.  I've heard it said from Muslims, Yassmin included, their faith states they live by the laws of the land in which they reside.  This means someone of the Islamic faith living here still has to abide by our secular laws.  Stop worrying, everyone.  Oh, and in my newsfeed yesterday I saw a Change dot org petition seeking the ABC sack Yassmin.  It has probably been signed by the same window licking dunderheads who signed the petition seeking the dismissal of Andrew O'Keefe by Channel 7.  Again I say, if you hate somebody THAT much, change the fucking channel!  It's not difficult; the principles of Euclid geometry do not exactly have to be applied here.  And to members of the Muslim community demanding the ABC apologise for Senator Lambie's views: why?  No, seriously, why? Those views are the views of Senator Lambie, and it's silly to expect a television station to apologise for some separate person's personal views.  Next week Piers Akerman is a guest, and I loathe this person; he makes me think of a toxic Toad of Toad Hall.  I might not watch.  However, knowing myself as well as I do having had 51 years to get used to myself, I daresay I will.

Anyway, I'd better go and organise some lunch.  Maybe I can find the book I want to read.  My house still looks like I'm in the process of moving, what with all the boxes of crap everywhere, and hardly any furniture to speak of.  I might go back to goofing around on Facebook when I've had lunch and play the clip someone posted of 'MacArthur Park' by Richard Harris.  It's one of those songs that makes me think WTF.  It's not like it's badly performed, it's just a discombobulated heap of mismatched segments and Sondheim-ish lyrics, and it often draws me in with its tractor beam of bizarreness. 

Oh, and I've asked my publisher to re-email my edited manuscript, so look forward to getting back to some semblance of normality here.

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