What's bugging me today:
1. My mechanical ineptitude. I couldn't figure out how to use the hose with the weed'n'feed bottle today. I misunderstood the instructions, and called for my husband to show me. I hate feeling like a helpless female. I don't want to be like a Disney princess of old, lying in a coma waiting for the first kiss of my True Love (who had to fix the hose to the weed'n'feed for me); I want to spray the weeds on my lawn which are taking over like the fourth-graders in the third-graders' sandpit, since that lake formed in my back yard following the Christmas Eve flood. What's the point in being smart if I can't figure out the weed'n'feed? Blitzing just about every trivia game I play will be of little comfort when the Triffids take over my back yard.
2. Typing this at my local library. There is nothing wrong with my library at all, and the air conditioning in this oppressive heat is a boon. The problem is I still don't have a computer. I will get a computer. Soon-ish. Have been emailed a list of items for replacement so Mr Bingells, Master 15, and myself spent a goodly amount of time yesterday at the local Harvey Norman pricing electrical and white goods, along with bedding, sheets, and a lounge. It can be exciting to do this, I know; I recall going to the then Grace Bros store and compiling a gift registry list with Mr Bingells prior to our wedding. But at the moment it's making me feel a tad frustrated. I've spoken with my editor and explained the re-edited manuscript will have to be re-emailed soon, so it's not all insurmountable, but geez I'd prefer it if it hadn't happened.
3. People who vague-book. Got something to say? Then for the love of Crimony, just SAY it! I am a whiz at solving cryptic crosswords, but I don't have the inclination to solve a cryptic, usually poor-me type mewling message on Facebook. Again, what's the good of having the ability to think laterally and solve difficult word puzzles if I cannot work out the attachment on the weed'n'feed bottle? But back to the vague-bookers, please address your problem with the person responsible, or say what you've got to say, and stop with what you believe to be mystery and poignancy. It just reeks of passive-aggressive attention seeking, and one of these days someone is going to type in the comments section: 'You're a whiny prat and nobody cares'.
4. That 'tard in the Suburu at my local Coles car park. If you're reading this, you imbecile, it would be greatly appreciated by the other shoppers at that centre if you could actually learn appropriate driving skills. Checking there is nobody coming (particularly me) prior to backing out of the car space is considered a good idea. Not watching what you're doing and backing out into my line of drive, thus almost ramming into my vehicle, is what's considered total rat shit driving.
5. Having the song 'Soul Kind Of Feeling' by the Dynamic Hepnotics stuck in my head. It's in my head like a vile, unholy and just plain ANNOYING presence, and I apologise for placing it in yours now. I heard it on the radio on my way to the library, and now it's stuck in my head where it's torturing me like some kind of ancient Chinese water torture. I have never liked the song (I think the look on the singer's face in the film clip had something to do with it - I'm sure he's a nice bloke but the clip turned me off, along with the song's earwormish propensity). It annoys the living snot of out of me and it's taken up lodgings rent-free in my head, where it's co-flatting with the utter frustrating misery that comes from being unable to work out the weed'n'feed thing.
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