Wednesday 3 July 2019

Promoting the Book

Okay, first things first. Before I do anything else, I must refer you to the edited 'about me' section of this blog, because it has a link to my latest novel, Howling on a Concrete Moon, whereby you can find yourself reading the first chapter, along with some blurb, and author bio. Or, you can simply click here:

Finally, it is here! Finally, I have opened the bottle of Moet et Chandon I was given as a fiftieth birthday present. Finally, I have an understanding of why people rave about that stuff; it's bloody DELICIOUS! The downside to this Damascene awakening is I have now developed a champagne taste on what is most definitely a beer budget. However, should my readership wish to keep me in Moet, you can assist by *cough! hint! cough!* checking the link and making a purchase - either paperback or download as e-book; your choice.

I was going to do a more detailed post about what arses the Government are, but I might save it for tomorrow. At present, I have some promotional stuff to work on, and also, some Air Tasker writing assignments to which I must attend. 

Anyway, that's all for the moment. I have to research upcoming writers' festivals, ring local radio stations, and do all the stuff I can to promote this book. I am becoming as shameless and self-promotional as a Kardashian, but have ruled out 'leaking' a sex tape of myself on the Internet to promote the book. Breathe a sigh of relief, folks.

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