Monday 1 April 2019

'It's un-Oss-stray-yan!' (Fuck Off & Die, Whoever Says This!)

The likelihood of me ever becoming Prime Minister is infinitesimal, but if I did, I would do everything in my power to push for a new law stopping people from using the term 'un-Australian' to describe anything. I know I should let it go, but this obnoxious and odious term (I refuse to call it a 'word') really grinds my molars and boils my piss. I would also encourage people who feel they have been somehow dudded in a restaurant to complain like an adult, and not post things on social media.

In case you're wondering why I'm in this mood, it's because I saw an article this morning wherein someone complained about the miniscule scraping of Vegemite on the toast he/she/moron was served in a restaurant at the airport. This person complained by posting a picture of the miserly serving on social media. Naturally, people weighed in with their outrage, saying this tiny amount of the spread was 'un-Australian'. As an aside, I might just point out to people who complain something is 'un-Australian' that they might consider doing society a favour and get themselves sterilised.

If I ran a café and was going to serve Vegemite with toast (note my preposition is 'with', not 'on', and there is a reason for this), I would serve the spread in a little pot, thus allowing the customer to apply Vegemite to his or her own taste. Preparing a stranger Vegemite on toast his fraught with danger because it is such an individual phenomenon. Some like a tiny bit, and some like it slathered on like they're rendering a wall.

People, if you're in a restaurant and the food served isn't quite what you expected, do you think posting a picture on Reddit, or wherever, is going to improve the food? It MIGHT improve your own self-esteem because you're probably a narcissistic twat who needs social medial 'likes' for your own validation, but the food situation won't change.  What you have to do is speak nicely to the server, and state your disgruntlement - but be polite about it. The reason you must speak to the staff is because they cannot read your mind (and if you feel you have to have a gripe on social media instead of taking appropriate courses to complain, then it's quite apparent you don't have a mind, anyway).

Anyway, I'm off to watch television because I have a heavy cold that's left me feeling lethargic and miserable. My mood has not been improved by the person mowing the field next to where I live because the air is now redolent with fennel. Whenever this happens, my eyes itch and I sneeze so much I'm in danger of my nose flying off, leaving me a bit like Michael Jackson, had Michael Jackson been a slim, fair-skinned woman (oh, wait...).

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