Sunday 11 June 2017

My 'Train' Of Thought

I'm wondering if any physicists could explain to me whether there are any atmospheric conditions that could compromise the vibration of air molecules, thus producing a complete aberration of the sound when it travels.  You know, make it come out completely different to what nature intended.  What's got me wondering is this: on Friday evening I was riding a train en route to Hornsby.  Owing to faults in the train, we had to change at Gosford and board another train in the cold night air, and I'm wondering could that, along with the vibrations of the train, have caused a completely skewed result on the original sound waves.  You see, I have no doubt the men across the aisle from me had the following conversation:

First man:  'There's a chap minding his own business down the end of this carriage.  I do suspect he might be homosexual.'
Second man: 'That's quite possible.  However, it is none of our business, especially when you stop to consider he is minding his own business, after all.'
First man: 'By the living Harries, you're right, old chap.  His sexuality is none of our business, and matters no more than his star sign, or his blood group, or whether he is left- or right-handed.'
Second man: 'And whether he IS homosexual, it's not like he would be interested in us because we are very unappealing in appearance, and do smell rather strongly.'
First man: 'I would suggest we continue the rest of this journey just minding our own business, and we definitely would not wish to pass disparaging remarks on that which is none of our business.  We would not want to appear uneducated to compound the fact we are clearly unwashed, would we?'
Second man: 'Too true, old man.  Too true.'

Yes, I'm CERTAIN that's what they were saying.  But what I heard sounded exactly like THIS:

First man: 'I reckon there's a fucken poofter up the other end of this carriage, eh?'
Second man: 'Yeah.  We should chuck the cunt orf, eh?'

First man and second man succumb to their biting wit and guffaw like a pair of lobotomised trolls.

See what I'm getting at?  It's so weird.  If there's nothing in the field of acoustics that could explain this anomaly, it's one crazy mondegreen, isn't it?

Or perhaps it's just that I had the misfortune to be sitting o'er the aisle from a bunch of the most feral, foul mouthed gronks to every smoke a White Ox rollie.  For the uninitiated, White Ox is known as the prison baccie owing to its cheapness and popularity in prison buy-ups, and it must be incredibly addictive because one of the gronky bogans had to duck up to the dunny for a fortifying top-up, and returned to his seat smelling even worse.  Again for the uninitiated, White Ox is redolent of the sphincter region of a tick-infested, intestinal-worm-riddled, dirty, bad-tempered old camel.  Cigarettes smell anyway, but this is a product of Satan's tobacco plantation; it's just the frothy bubbles of scum right at the bottom of the swamp of stinking tobacco products.  I suspect it is favoured by smelly gronks who say 'cunt' an awful lot when travelling on public transport.  Maybe these ponging polecats think it's some kind of mating call to the rest of the women in the carriage.  I am very tempted to purchase a heap of cheap thesauruses, and hand them out like religious pamphlets when riding this train.  There are so, so many words out there.  Why do people have to use the most awful language in a loud voice in public, thus sounding like, as I said above, lobotomised trolls?

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