Tuesday 13 June 2017

A Bitter (Red) Pill; Brains 'Left' Behind

Some twenty years ago I viewed a deliciously noir and ironic movie called 'The Last Supper'.  No, it was not an Easter flick with a bunch of Anglo actors playing Middle Eastern dudes chowing down on unleavened bread (and let's face it, this is how Christ's disciples are almost ALWAYS portrayed in these biblical epics), but a dark tale of a group of left wing types who, after an unfortunate accident, find themselves killing right wingers with extremist views.  How they facilitate this task is to invite such a person to a dinner party, and chat with them.  Should the views stated stray into unpleasant territory (such as the right-to-lifer who said words to the effect: 'So what if people get hurt (with flying shrapnel from the bombs) if it means saving an unborn child?'), one of the hosts would offer wine, just brought up from the cellar.  The wine was of course poisoned, and the victim would end up being buried in their vegetable garden.  Owing to their home-made blood-and-bone fertiliser, their tomatoes just thrived, and were a great talking point over the salad bowl at their dire, dastardly dinners.  Their murderous laissez-faire continued until they poisoned an unfortunate librarian whose great crime was to not like the novel 'Catcher In The Rye'.  They questioned had they gone too far.  Anyway, and herein lies a SPOILER ALERT, by coincidence they were able to convince who they perceived to be a very dangerous right wing politician to attend their house for dinner.  This politician expressed some views that would make Trump seem moderate and accepting.  His supporters would conduct themselves with great violence at rallies, and you get the picture, I'm sure.  Whilst entertaining this alarming man over the dinner table, one of them challenged him on his views, and those of his supporters.  He was accused of inciting violence and hatred.  His rebuttal was that his views were his own.  He admitted to them.  He stood by them. He pointed out people did not have to agree with him if it was not their own CHOICE.  To the accusation of inciting violence, he stated he had never told any of his followers to behave in thus a manner; they had chosen to and he could not be held accountable for the behaviour of other adults.  Our so-called liberal minded heroes were forced to question their own views and choices, and deal with the somewhat lugubrious fact that this purveyor of obnoxious politics had far more tolerance and acceptance than the lot of them combined!  I do recommend this movie.

The other day I got to thinking this movie was starting to manifest here in Australia.  Oh, don't get me wrong - nobody's slipping arsenic into their home brewed Verdelho.  It's more that the left are becoming very intolerant and one-eyed, and seriously rather stupid.  Those who know me well would be surprised to read this, given I'm slightly left-wing myself.  It's the left-wing media who are doing in this head of mine (a head that has just been treated to a lovely auburn colorant with red-gold foils!).  Who's heard about a documentary titled 'The Red Pill' from a US film maker named Cassie Jaye?  My understanding is it deals with issues faced by the male section of the populace.  Apparently one of the people interviewed for the doco is not popular with mainstream feminism.  The movie ended up being pulled from scheduled screenings.  The director was interviewed and challenged by presenters Monique Wright and Andrew O'Keefe on 'Sunrise',  and the panel on 'The Project' (whom I cannot be bothered to list because they're either sniggering at their own jokes or labouring under the misapprehension of their own brilliance).  Those who interviewed her were negative and interrogatory in their style, but here's the kicker: - are you ready for this?  Sitting comfortably?  Done a wee? - THEY HADN'T VIEWED THE FUCKING DOCUMENTARY! Notwithstanding having supposedly been sent a link to the doco, they hadn't viewed it and went on the offensive!  This is kind of like me giving advice to a local rugby league coach about where he had gone wrong, given I know nothing of league and don't watch it.

Apparently Cassie Jaye is perceived as a lapsed feminist who has let the side down.  All I see is a film maker who did this funny thing called making a film (it's what film makers do, apparently).  The film is presented from a different aspect, and for this reason it seems mainstream Australian media is losing their shit left, right and centre.  Someone mightn't like it, so it gets pulled.  Hey, there are certain things I don't like being portrayed, but I have my own mind and opposable thumbs, so I just don't bloody watch them!  So sick of the Nanny State and moronic Classification Board, and just about everyone else having a gripe about something, thus impinging on the viewing rights of sound-minded adults.

The ludicrous and needless outcry reminds me of the furore that heralded the screening of 'Meet The Habibs'.  Racist! cried one camp.  Perpetuating Bigoted Stereotypes! cried another.  'Don't Let Anybody View This And Make Up Their Own Minds! was the undercurrent.  I will take this opportunity to remind the reader the whinging and beefing was circulating before the first episode even went to air.  I have watched a few episodes of the show, and don't actually mind it too much.  I personally don't see racist and hackneyed stereotyping.  It's a work on the theme of Fish Out Of Water; a bit like 'The Beverly Hillbillies', only with felafel.  On a pleasant sidenote, I had a quick look at the show the other night because on the weekend I attended the Sydney Ensemble Theatre Company's production of 'Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?', and the actor who played George plays the neighbour in 'Habibs'.  I do so love Albee's masterpiece about the toxic yet needful relationship between the two embittered malcontents who delight in tormenting each other, and those around them.  The dialogue is witty and sublime, and the performances on the weekend were mesmerising.  Well done to all involved.

But back to the illogical carrying on of the leftist media of late: seriously, it's enough to make me prepare a salad, some coq au vin, and check out what's in my wine cellar!

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