Saturday 17 June 2017

Ministers of the Clown

I've been deviating from my usual routine of late.  Normally, I am an absolute creature of habit.  Creature of Habit - don't you  just love that noir sounding description?  It's almost Lovecraftian in its grim undertones.  But yesterday morning I got out of bed, brewed my morning cappuccino (that habit is NEVER going to be shed), and instead of switching on breakfast television I watched Rage.  Yes, I sat on the couch and watched Rage in the scant time afforded between waking and getting Master 16 off to soccer.

Today I walked my dogs and attended the gym.  Nothing unusual in that, except when I sat on the floor to do some pre-workout stretches, I discovered to my bemusement I was wearing mismatched shoes.  This is not something I often do, and another deviance from my normal common sense.  I once went to work in mismatched shoes, but they were very similar both being black medium heeled court style, and it was over twenty-five years ago.  I continued with my workout paranoid the other exercisers were looking at my silly feet.

This is probably going to be a bit of an unpopular remark, but those how know me will know I am not trying to be obnoxious: I'm not bothered about the Manus Island payout.  There.  I've said it.  I'm not bothered.  People are nonplussed to say the least about the settlement, but let me point out that had this matter proceeded to a hearing, the cost would have been a fuckload more.  The legal fees awarded to the law firm Slater & Gordon have been the subject of a level of outrage normally reserved for the sacrilege of a tomb, but I'm going to say something else, and it goes like this: there were over 1900 applicants.  This means lots and lots of work.  There would have been more than one solicitor handling the file, and those solicitors would have been briefing barristers.  Barristers, plural.  Not one barrister, but many others.  It costs money.  And again, had the matter proceeded to a hearing rather than settlement, there would have been some seriously considerable coin involved.  Here's a link to the Statement of Claim, and it is not merely light reading whilst you are sitting on the dunny, believe me:

Did anyone else see the footage of Peter Dutton spitting and hissing like a possessed demon as he railed and ranted against the firm, snarling they were 'ambulance chasers'?  Wow, Dutts-man, you sure were worked up.  Anyone would think you were an embittered ex-Queensland copper.  Oh, wait...

The other story I have followed with interest lately is the contempt proceedings against Ministers Hunt, Sukkar, and Tudge.  Surprisingly, I have not found myself in humongous online brawls over this.  Naturally I have taken it upon myself to inform certain Talking Heads (misinformed media types, not the band helmed by David Byrne) that the reason those three gronks are in trouble is not because they were necessarily critical of the judiciary, but their non-compliance with the principles of sub judice.  The stooges have been summonsed by the Court of Appeal, and I have been watching a live stream of the proceedings.  I haven't finished watching yet, but one of Their Honours explains the reason for the Court's anger over the ill-advised remarks from the Ministers of the Clown, er, Crown.  This is in the first few minutes of proceedings.  Worth having a look at.  Here's a link:

What's got me shaking my head is Sukkar, Tudge and Hunt are lawyers.  Surely they would have known better than to make the comments they did.  You guys are more like Sucker, Sludge and Hunt (yeah, I know, but it's too easy so I'm not going there!).  I guess the urge to appeal to the populist vote outweighed common sense.

One thing engaging in Twitter discussions has achieved is some more book sales for me.  This is a good thing because my 16 year old has the appetite of a field of starved horses.  He had a driving lesson with his Dad this morning, having been awarded his Learner's Permit last Tuesday.  Years ago, a midwife handed me a slimy, slippery, warm, bug-eyed and beautiful creature that brought all my primal protective emotions surging to the surface like magma rushing to a volcano's mouth.  Now, I have a strapping lad who stands at least six foot tall and Won't. Stop. EATING!!!

In closing, I will point out I am extremely proud to have harvested a pumpkin from my back yard through this week.  It's a Jap.  I will refrain from including a picture in this post, because I know it's probably not that fascinating to you the reader.  However, I am very proud of this because I am an even worse gardener than Adam and Eve.  I did manage to grow a crop of pumpkins years ago, but the damnable things tasted like sawdust.  I am waiting a few days to test my venerable vegetable.  Watch this space.

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