Monday 9 March 2015

To Free or Not to Free?

To free or not to free, that is the question.  It's not on my agenda.  I speak, by the way, of the Free the Nipple campaign.  It was mentioned on last night's 'Q&A'.  Consensus seems to be for art: fine.  For rebellion: grow up, will ya?  I kind of agree.  Once you put the girls out there on the Internet, it's there.  It's there forevs, folks.  And yes, your potential employers and in-laws will quite likely see it.  The reason behind this campaign, so it seems, is the inequality that men can show their nipples, whilst women cannot.  Wow.  First world problems, if ever there were.  What's wrong with a bit of mystery, girls? 

Want to see some contrived nip-slips?  You Tube the clip for 'Boys, Boys, Boys' by Sabrina Palermo, a song from around 1988 or 1989.  I think there are about seven all up.  I didn't count them, a male friend did.   All in the name of research.

Last night ol' Germs Greer asked Foreign Minister Julie Bishop would she partake in the Free the Nipple campaign, if it meant the commutation of the sentences of the Bali 9 ringleaders.  Julie didn't directly answer, nor should she have to.  It was, when one analyses it, an infantile question.  I actually liked the way Julie conducted herself.  I enjoyed everyone last night on Q&A.  Didn't particularly like the question Professor Greer asked of Ms Bishop, but it's to be expected.  I still consider the Prof to be articulate and entertaining much of the time.

Best get on with the writing, I suppose.

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