Thursday 26 March 2015

She's Lost Control(led Release)

The needle on my Give-A-Shit-O-Meter did not twitch in the slightest upon hearing the news today that Zayn Malik has left One Direction.  I'm seriously all out of fucks to give.  The cynical old crab in me is thinking 'one less annoying little twerp to look at'.  This is how I know I'm getting old.  To be honest , I respect and understand his decision.  He's a twenty-two year old man who for the past few years has been under an immense heated spotlight.  I actually remember the Bay City Rollers touring and their young guitarist (the one who replaced Woody) stressing out because he couldn't leave the hotel room lest he be mobbed, stripped, dismembered, and disembowelled by howling girls.  Now can all the tweenies and teenage girls getting the budding ovaries twisted in anguish over this just listen to this bit of advice from Auntie Bingells: Dearhearts, get the fuck over it.  You will get through this.  I got through Brian Connolly leaving The Sweet without acting like a complete pork chop, so just follow my lead.  And another thing, stop abusing the poor guy's fiancée on Twitter and other forms of social media.  She is not Yoko Ono.  In order to be Yoko Ono, she'd have to produce some questionably naff pieces of art, and record alleged music that has the power to fell a smart bomb from the sky.

Today is Epilepsy Awareness Day.  As mentioned in previous postings, my younger son is epileptic.  He's been having some problems lately.  He feels a bit overwhelmed with his school work, so today Mr Bingells and I met with his wonderful teacher to discuss strategies that could help him.  She has noticed he has been a bit dreamy lately.  Now, there was a stuff-up with his medication recently.  He has been on a controlled release form of anti-seizure medication for a while, and it works like a charm.  The medication was running out, and he had not repeat.  He was not due to see his paediatrician, so I attended the local surgery and asked a GP to write him a script, and stressed what he is taking.  I attended the pharmacy and had the script filled.  I got home and discovered what I had been sold for my son, whilst the same brand of medication, did not appear to be the controlled release version.  He had some of it, and whilst he has experienced no seizures, he has not been concentrating as well on his work.  Anyway, there was a stuff up with dates and we missed a paediatric appointment, but the paediatrician posted us a prescription with the letters 'C.R' clearly marked, so I strode in like a gunslinger and handed it over, my fingernail practically tearing a whole in the paper and my teeth clenched as I deliberately said, 'Controlled. Release.'  He's resumed the controlled release type medication, so here's hoping he's back on track soon.  I should have gone with my gut before and told them to check things, but I trusted the medication I was given was appropriate.  Maybe it was.  But he did well on controlled release before, and that's what we're happy to have him on again.

Now, there are some things people need not mess with.  If things are not broken, why do they have to be fixed.  As mentioned, Mr Bingells and I met with our son's teacher and discussed concerns we have about his learning.  We spoke about the mix-up with his meds recently, and the tweaking could have affected him thus.  I told his teacher I try to help Master Ten with his maths, although that is normally Mr Bingells' territory as I'm pretty crap at Maths.  I talked about subtraction, and asked do they no longer teach 1 up, 1 down' (when you pretend to add '10' to the figure above by putting a '1' in front, and then carry '1' down when you move across the equation).  No.  They are not allowed to do this.  Why not?  Is it too sensible?  Even a mathematical dunderhead like me can grasp it.  The teacher went to the blackboard and showed me the formula that is used to teach subtraction now.  I cannot describe or explain it here.  I will never be able to in a million years.  I blinked, tried not to weep, and spluttered in abject disbelief, 'You'd have to be bloody Stephen Hawking to understand that!'  I suspect the teacher agreed with me.  Apparently with this new formula they try and explain the basis and theory  behind the maths, and it's a tad hard to explain with '1 up, 1 down'.  I asked, 'Why does it need explaining?  It works.' 

I mean, shit blog-browers, when I get into my car, I just care that I put the key in the slot, turn it clock-wise, and the car will go 'brmmmm'.  I can then put it in gear, let out the clutch, and drive away.  (Actually, my vehicle is automatic, but I've always liked driving manuals).  I don't frigging care that the key goes in and the tumblers in the ignition will be pushed into a precise pattern to enable the key to be rotated close to the circuit that delivers power to the starter motor that turns the engine's spark plugs and whatnots to ensure the engine operates.  I don't need to know all that.  I just want to know  that I turn it to the right, and the car will start (hopefully).

What's wrong with the good old fashioned '1 up, 1 down' to teach subtraction?  What's wrong with having kids recite multiplication until they're blue in the face?  I'm told that's not a standard practice now because it's 'punishing' for the kids.  Of course it's fucking punishing; they're reciting tables!  Sheesh.  Is it a joy, a walk in the park, a picnic to parrot times tables over and over?  No.  But it sinks in.  You learn it.

I'm really despairing with this new system of subtraction, and I might have to get a tutor to help him.  As Mr Bingells and I left the school grounds today, I said, 'This new system just sucks camels' balls!'  Whose idea was it to change the methods and curriculum around thus?  He or she should be barred from having anything to do with education from here on in.

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