Saturday 14 March 2015

I Feel Like Royalty

Is there a Hell?  There could be; it manifested itself in the form of a place I worked in years ago where my working life was a living hell.  Vicious office bullies, vicious nasty administrator, ridiculous so-called workplace policies (who the fuck locks away telephones in the desk drawer at the end of the day?).  But I like to think there is a special place in hell reserved for people who are cruel to animals.  If I could get my hands on some of those people who are cruel to animals, I would happily give them a taste of what they are in for.

However, what I will not do is sign the online petition I have received calling for the magistrate to impose maximum penalty on some evil SOB who callously murdered some puppies.  And do you know why?  Well, there's this thing I have about online petitions, which I have touched upon previously.  But also, there's this: the law and the courts are a separate beast altogether, and should not be influenced by populist politics. It is not the role of judges and magistrates to listen to the baying public.  Their role is to review the evidence, and interpret and apply the law accordingly.  We keep our courts separate from politics to keep the system as fair and honest as practicable, and to have outcomes swayed by the distaste of the populace could lead to accusations of corruption.  Stop and think about it, folks.

Hey, as mentioned in the first paragraph, that bloke who killed the puppies is a foul fuckwad who could probably benefit from having his nuts forced into a shredder.  That's my opinion.  However, I would feel more comfortable knowing a magistrate was doing his actual job, and NOT listening to the public, particularly if I was to appear before one.

But on a more cheerful side, I got a royalty cheque in the mail the other day.  Not a huge one by any means.  But it is a cheque.  'Silver Studs and Sabre Teeth' has been reaching sales, and downloads, and hopefully people are liking it.  I need people to purchase my book; my kid won't stop eating.  He's almost fourteen.  He's overtaken me in the height stakes, and is filling out like someone is pumping him full of air.  If I didn't not think online petitions are designed to annoy the living snot out of people, I would start one for everybody to purchase a copy of this book in order to keep my kid fed. 

So, don't worry. I will not be clogging up your newsfeeds with petitions.  HOWEVER, if you like a bit of satire about the general stupidity of the populace (and let's face it, society does give me a plethora of material!), then go to this link and read the first chapter.  If you're of a mind, go to the shopping trolley icon and buy it.  It's available as paperback or e-book.  I noted from my royalty statement there have been purchase in the US and UK.  I am very excited about this.  But here's the link:

Also, this is my first ever book, another satire:

Now, for those of you who like young adult about talking beagles, there's this one:

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