Friday 25 October 2013

Who Kerrs About The Split?

Well, the needle on my Give-A-Shit-O-Meter has not twitched at all upon reading the news that Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr have separated.  Women's magazines et al will no doubt be perpetuating a great contagion of teeth-gnashing and breast-beating, but I seriously couldn't give a fuck about it.  So much so that I feel compelled to write about it today.  Okay, call me a bitch (because I'm about to be one) but I have always found Miranda Kerr a tad annoying.  Well, maybe not Miranda per se, but more the gushy slop that gets written about her, and the constant selfies, and the fact that she is a MODEL, not a curer of cancer (let's get a little perspective here, people!) and I don't think models need to be deified quite to the degree that they are.  I must have been one of the very few teenaged girls back in my day who DIDN'T want to be a model.  Am I the only one who rolled her eyes when the term supermodel became the catchword of the Nineties?  Am I the only one who Just. Doesn't. Get. It?  Undoubtedly a Day of Mourning has been declared in the town of Gunnedah; their best (or only?) known export's marriage has fizzled, but all I could think was 'meh', when I heard the news.  But no doubt there will be an overkill and overload of quotes and Miranda might even be given her own column to write, because a lot of the right-wing media likes to give unqualified people journalistic possies. 

I have discovered a fabulous way to embarrass your children and teach them a lesson.  When they make an inappropriate remark, simply have them explain it to you.  Last night, my 12yo, The Great Gutsby was playing x-box online, and he said to his opponent, 'I'm going to kill you and teabag your grave!'.  I sat down beside him and asked him to repeat what he said.  I then said, 'I'm not sure what that means.  Can you explain it?'  I was almost sorry for my little rapscallion as he turned an unfetching shade of magenta and falteringly explained his idiom.  I then told him I didn't want to hear that phrase again, and thanked him for giving me inspiration for a saying to use in one of my stories!

Speaking of stories, I have liaised with my publishers, Zeus Publications, and I will be getting the cover art of 'Silver Studs and Sabre Teeth' for approval early in the new year, and after that the novel goes to print, and will be available for purchase around late February.  Hint, hint, hint to my readers, friends, and countrymen.

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