Thursday 17 October 2013

Peeves of the Day

Today's peeves, if you care, are as follows:

1.  Fancy-schmancy hidden addresses on curly strata plans.  It sounds like a first world problem but when you're driving in an area looking to assist shower and medicate some old people, and they all seem to be living in houses whose street addresses are not apparent from the street, this can make you a tad tetchy.  I had to deal with this yesterday.  I wasn't meant to work but a neighbouring town had a lot of sick carers, so I got asked to do the honours.  I did, but I was late for every service because I couldn't find their houses, because the houses were up a winding path and hidden behind another house!  Grrrr.  And then I had to drive to a farm to look after an elderly gentleman, and got lost.  There are also severe bush fires in this area today, so I did not enjoy looking at the smoke and haze, and have done nothing but sneeze for the past day, it would seem.

2.  People saying 'same difference.'  One of my Facebook friends commented on a thread thus the other day, and I begged with him that if he loved me, or held me in any type of esteem at all, to please CEASE AND DESIST this odious phrase.  It.   Makes.  No.  Sense.  None at all.  One of my mates suggested it was an idiom.  It is not an idiom.  I think what it is trying to achieve is status as oxymoron, but it is failing miserably.  It is grammatical bullshit, and should NEVER be used.  Any time I have ever heard it, it's usually been in a kind of passive-aggressive tone of defeat.   People, don't ever use it.  And while I'm at it, please don't say 'would OF', either.  This is plain psychotic and evil.

3.  People bagging out teachers.  Quit it now.  Could you stand in front of a classroom trying to control and educate a bunch of little monsters who are probably hopped up on a high-sugar diet?  No?  Then don't criticise the saints-in-making who do.

Must get a bit of writing done, and then I'm watching a bit of a DVD I got out of the library - 'The Passion Of The Christ'.  Never saw it, and thought it might be interesting film to watch - yeah, I know the ending.  The protagonist gets nailed to a cross.  But I thought the approach, with actors speaking Aramaic and subtitles, might make for interesting cinema.  Cin-E-Ma.  Not film, but cinema.  I'm not even letting the Mel Gibson association turn me off.  Not a huge fan of Mel's, what with the bilious, drunken, anti-Semitic and racist rants he is prone to.

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