Wednesday 26 February 2020

Mad as a Katter

Some foods that really disgust me are trifle and pavlova. With its layered sherry-laden stale sponge cake (puke!), jelly (eeeuuuuwww!), custard (whose dining experience is akin to a wad of phlegm travelling down the throat and I will not be convinced otherwise), and cream (yuck!): trifle presents like a freshly laid bowl of vomit. Pavlovas use meringues as their base (I loathe meringues) and are generally topped with that most nauseating of foodstuffs: cream.

Because these foods cause me such gastronomic offence I will make it my mission to declare them a problem and publicly seek their eradication.

But wait, maybe I WON'T, because I have the emotional intelligence to see that if other people choose to eat them, it will have absolutely NO impact upon my life whatsoever, and it's none of my business if people want to eat pavlova and trifle, even though I'm damned if I can understand why anybody would choose to do so.

So why in the everloving fuck has Bob Katter MP posted a video declaring a vegan 'meat' pie to be a 'problem'? A problem to whom, exactly? My dude, if you're reading this, we have recently had half our fucking country ablaze, and you think a non-meat culinary option is a 'problem'? Whoever is advising you, I would suggest that person be summarily dismissed, because your priorities are a tad skewiff.

Honestly, he complains it's 'not Australian'. At least he didn't say that bog-standard shite word 'unAustralian', because he might then have found himself the recipient of a mailed glitter bomb (this is a joke, don't everybody arc up). A rudimentary definition of  'Australian' means an inhabitant or descendant of a person living in Australia, or relating to Australia (eg, Sydney is an Australian city). To assert eating a pie made from plant matter is not Australian is a really terribly flawed predicate.  I often eat vegetable pies; am I not Australian (I'd better be; I'm paying taxes here!)? His jingoistic blather-fest also states we should eat Australian beef. Bob, if someone doesn't want to eat beef, then that is that person's own choice, got it?

Why do people get so triggered over the word 'vegan'? Bob, I didn't see anything about a gun being put to people's heads with the directive they eat the vegan pie or else.

In a nutshell: I don't care if someone is vegan. I often dine on vegan meals myself. I care more about fossilised dinosaur droppings whinging misplaced patriotic nonsense instead of focusing on real issues. Don't want to eat a vegan pie? Don't eat it. Problem solved, but don't go dictating to everybody else.

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