Saturday 4 August 2018

Hadley Feeling Badly

Heartbreaking to hear of the arrest of Ray Hadley's son for cocaine possession, especially when he is a serving police officer. This is a stressful time and we must give them privacy. My thoughts and prayers are with Ray Hadley.


*Wipes eyes, grabs tissue to clear up runners of snot that have appeared from nostrils like New Year noisemakers, and runs to toilet to relieve bladder*

Ever since the news of Little Hadley's arrest broke, my lips have been twisted into a smug smirk; I'm sure it's neither pleasant nor becoming. But you know what? I don't care. Hadley is a right-wing nut job who makes a career out of finger-pointing, and vitriolic bile. He spouts his ultracrepidarian bullshit from behind the safety of his microphone, and rants about defendants being given bail (familiar with the Bail Act and the principles of being granted bail, Ray?), about soft sentences being handed down by the judiciary (got a law degree, Ray?), and about the mental health card (different when it applies to one of your own, isn't it, Ray?).  Hey, if Ray's son goes to trial, wouldn't it be hilarious if his case was put before Judge Jeffreys, whom Ray tried to have removed from the bench due to perceived lenient sentencing (and again, you know all about the nuances of the law and mitigating circumstances, don't you, Ray?). However, should this situation arise it's not unrealistic to surmise there would be a successful application to have the learned (he's learned; you're not, Ray) judge removed from presiding over this case.

Maybe we should whip around the hat, and buy Ray a shitload of Windex to clean the glass house in which  he resides.

Now that he and his family are experiencing what actually happens in our judicial system, perhaps this ranting, snapping old tortoise will pull his head in.  One can only hope.

Okay, I've been bitchy enough.  I think.  But schadenfreude is such a sinfully delicious thing, isn't it? It's like a Belgian chocolate stuffed with almonds. It's like dipping lush strawberries in Moet et Chandon, and savouring their flavour whilst your shoulders are being rubbed by a loincloth-clad Brad Pitt (as in Thelma & Louise Brad Pitt) lookalike.  It's delightfully decadent.

Just wondering if Ray's going to have a rant about the scruples of the legal profession, should the retained counsel obtain a good result for his kid.  Watch and observe what happens, Ray.  Learn from it, and keep your armchair lawyer bullshit in your mouth next time there's a high profile case with which you disagree.

Hey, in case you're thinking I've gone completely nasty, be assured I haven't. I actually want the defendant in this matter to be represented by competent counsel, and the case argued competently and within the parameters of the law.  He must be afforded correct, due, and fair judicial process because the right to a fair hearing is one of the cornerstones of a well-run democracy, and the law must apply equally and fairly to all.  Also, if the defendant is having mental health issues, I wish him well, too.

Aaaaaah, to pour, or not to pour wine?

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