Monday, 2 July 2018

Scummy Sky News, Lousy Leyonhjelm, & Plutonium Please

Odd question, but does anyone have any plutonium lying around? I'm of a mind we might be able to fix the flux capacitor in David Leyonhjelm's DeLorean and send him back to whatever-the-fuck decade from which he hails, so we can be spared any more of his revolting, sexist, antediluvian dribble.

Apropos of my last post, he has again been in the spotlight for making assertions about the sex life of his fellow senator, Sarah Hanson-Young. Again, I state I am not a great fan of Ms Hanson-Young per se, but what transpired on Sky News over the weekend makes me mad enough to stomp on the heads of newborn kittens.  Leyonhjelm was interviewed by two boofheads going by the names of Rowan Dean and Ross Cameron, and, well... this:

To all three of you mouth-breathing troglodytes, note well:

1. No pun intended, but Who Fucking Cares? Whether Ms Hanson-Young likes men, women, both, or neither is of no interest to me, and certainly of no business to anybody else.

2. Look at the calendar. It's 2018. Gone are the days when men asserted their power in the workplace by attempting to slut-shame women (although Liberal Senator Michaelia Cash didn't get that memo, either). Trying to mock a woman about her sexuality and sex life is a ploy designed to humiliate and degrade her, and stop advancement in the workplace, and usually the modus operandi of weak, soft-cock simpletons who are threatened by a woman's ability. Weak, soft-cock simpletons like, well, David Leyonhjelm. You wouldn't care if a bloke had a robust personal life; indeed, I'm sure you would envy him. But when it's a woman, out comes the double-standards hoisted by the standard-bearers of the Madonna/whore complex sufferers.

Why was a producer suspended over this screen-strap (or whatever term you television industry types use for the tag at the base of the screen)?  Is it a case of: 'Hey, I know how we'll look like we're contrite! Let's use the most vulnerable person as a scapegoat, and that's the producer who's 25-years-old!'? Many have expressed disgust that a woman of twenty-five has been treated thus. I'm not going to buy into the politics of the producer's gender because I see this as a case of workplace bullying, and nothing to do with the gender. I reckon had the producer been male, he'd have been subjected to the same treatment, also. It is beyond disgraceful.

An apology was subsequently issued by Dean and Cameron, but this was only after threats of legal action. Also, the apology had all the sincerity of a three-dollar note. You're a pair of infantile goons, with the mindset of thirteen-year-old schoolboys sniggering over a purloined copy of Playboy.

As for you, Leyonhjelm, you might want to get some Savlon and dab it over your knuckles because I'm sure they're very scraped after being dragged along the ground.  As I mentioned before, why not get back into the DeLorean and fuck off back to the distant past; I'm sure your attitude's getting lonely. Given you don't appear to have evolved with the rest of us, you might prefer to climb up a tree and fling your crap around (rather than flinging it around in Parliament!).

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