Thursday 5 September 2019

More Crud from the Spud

Spud the Dud Dutton is undoubtedly moving around, and sitting, more comfortably at the moment. He said on morning television today: 'People who are unemployed are three times more likely to use methamphetamine'. I'm pleased for Spud that he is feeling relief and comfort now. I wonder how much fibre and senna he consumed in order to remove that 'fact' from his bum? It must have been a torturous torment whilst it was there. It would have stretched the old piles so they resembled a bunch of mutant toxic grapes, and had him walking like his arse was on sideways.  That is, of course, assuming he walks because he makes me think of some sepulchral spectre gliding about on wheels in a haze of gloom.

He, and no doubt the rest of the government, are using this argument as justification to introduce drug testing for welfare recipients. Duds, this just doesn't work. By the time a recipient was chosen to be tested, it is likely the test would negative because so many substances leave the system relatively quickly. Welfare is to assist people to live, so why should people have to provide a sample of bodily fluid for the government goons in order to buy food? I am well aware that there are people who have to be drug tested in the workplace; hey, I live in a mining town! The reason people get tested in workplaces is because their decision to ingest a substance could possibly impact upon the safety of colleagues. The 'I have to, so you have to' argument is tiresome and compares apples to oranges. It's like me whingeing, 'I don't have a butt like Beyoncé, so she's not allowed to have it, either!'

Also, what forensic organisation is going to have the tender to conduct the testing? Is it going to be a Liberal donor? You know, kind of like Indue, who have the contact for the government's odious cashless welfare card.

It is staggering to consider the government refuses to raise Newstart, yet will happily squander money on the administration of a draconian and flawed cashless welfare card, or on an exercise that is decried by both medical and addiction experts.

Duds, I know removing that lump of fallacy from your clacker would have felt awesome, but I'm afraid you're just going to have to bite the bullet, lard the 'fact' up, and shove it straight back up to the dark recesses from whence you extracted it.

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