Thursday 30 May 2019

Things That Won't Die

Things that won't die:

1. Cockroaches. They are seriously tenacious little bastards, scrabbling around on their six hairy legs, a layer of bugs spray glistening like a drag queen's sequins on their carapace, as you chase after them and keep spraying, and spraying, and spraying; spraying so much that it is you who ends up green-faced and wheezing, and the cockroaches go about their business. Well, it's been said they can withstand a nuclear fallout, so why am I not surprised?

2. Keith Richards. The man is a living defiance of all laws of physiology. It is my theory his innards and internal organs have been preserved in alcohol, kind of like that wombat foetus floating in some kind of suspended animation in a jar of formaldehyde up the back of my old school science lab .

3. The Israel Folau stink. I don't mean a literal malodorous stench (although he MIGHT have BO, but I don't know). I mean this fuss over his sacking by the ARU. Parliament are pushing for some kind of religious freedom thing, and Barnaby Joyce added his two cents with words to the effect:

"If we are going to support religious freedoms then start with the ARU’s approach to Israel Folau. They may not be my views but he shouldn’t be sacked because of his on how he gets to “heaven”. He wasn’t preaching violence." This was on Twitter. Honestly, Beetroot-Man, have you been missing the freaking POINT? The ARU  quite likely don't give a shit about Folau's religious views. The sacking stemmed from a breach of contractual obligations!  Faaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrkkkkkk! Will you get a CLUE? The rule of law, whose umbrella shelters contracts, overrides religious views, okay? Hell, you're a freaking politician, and you don't understand that basic little scintilla of how things work in this country? Get in the bin; you're a dumpster fire. 

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