Thursday 8 November 2018

Dumbest Thing I've Read Today

The ubiquitous 'they' say honesty is the best policy, but the reality is people occasionally have to lie. Most of us have told the odd little white lie like: 'That was a wonderful meal you cooked', whilst surreptitiously tipping bits into the dog's bowl (and later helping your host clean up dog vomit). Sometimes people have told lies in an attempt to boost their credibility in the eyes of their peers, like the colleague who told me her sister was in the Australia Post ad (she wasn't), or the kid who said the Bay City Rollers were her brothers (they weren't).

But some people take it to not only a whole level, they take it further to a new sphere, waaaaaaaay beyond the stratosphere.  I'm looking at YOU, Sarah Sanders aka Madam Press Secretary, in particular, Madam Press Secretary of the White House. Some of you might have seen a press conference today wherein that bloke who looks like he's been bukakke'd by a packet of Twisties, and who by some caustic twist is currently leading the United States. He was bitching, and beefing, and blathering, and calling a reporter (Jim Acosta) things like a 'terrible person' (Pot, meet Kettle). Acosta continued questioning, and a young female White House aide approached him, and grabbed at his microphone. Acosta hung onto the microphone. No biggie in as far as personal contact goes. I've seen the footage, and it appears he didn't touch her at all. The White House is acting like he felt her up, and then punched her out.  Acosta has since had credentials to the White House revoked.

But this is what Sarah Sanders had to say, in a series of tweets:

President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration. We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern... Uh, what? Sarah, did you actually read that total cow crap before  you hit 'tweet'? Lady, your boss has openly bragged, in his fugue of self-delusion and entitlement, of 'grabbing (women) by the pussy', so can you not see the hypocrisy, the speciousness, and pure spaced-out fantasy of a statement like that? Especially since the so-called altercation in question was really...nothing.

Sarah, just get in the bloody bin, and take your stupid boss with you. You're all a pack of fools, and it's really disconcerting and embarrassing to watch that buffoon carrying on like a petulant sook in a press conference, and then having the reporter barred from the White House.


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