Sunday 7 October 2018

Monkees, and Organ-Grinder's Monkeys

I quite like most of the Monkees' material. One song I'm not overly fond of is That Was Then, This Is Now, which appears on a 1986 compilation.  Oh, I don't loathe it the way I loathe Sylvia's Mother (and anything by Dr Hook, really), but I would press 'skip' if it was on a playlist. I've had the song in my head this morning, and I will explain why:

The furore over the proposed advertisement on the Sydney Opera House has had some people offering this argument in support of the odious campaign: 'Oh, but the Opera House was built from funds raised from a lottery! That's gambling! Oh, ho, we've got you now, you leftie elitist wankers!'  So to this I say: Yes, funds from a lottery DID enable the Opera House to be built. But as I also said: that was THEN, this is NOW!

Our Prime Minister defended the State government's capitulation to vile, pissy shock jock Alan Jones, er, decision to allow the advertisement to be displayed in a radio interview with vile, pissy shock jock Alan Jones, er, radio host Alan Jones - oh hell, I'm running with original choice: Our Prime Minister defended the State government's capitulation to vile, pissy shock jock Alan Jones in an interview with the said vile, pissy shock jock, and stated, 'I just don't understand why we tie ourselves up in knots about these things.'

Now, listen Prime Minister, I did not appreciate snorting twin streams of scalding hot coffee out my nostrils when I heard that.  Tied up in knots about things? The toxic twerp interviewing you practically shat out his own liver in a vitriolic and offensive tirade at the CEO of the Opera House, a woman who was DOING HER JOB, which is to administer the charter of the Opera House, and SHE is the one who understands the nuances of what is allowed to be displayed, and what is not. It would appear a promotion of gambling is NOT what the Opera House is about, and let's face it, horse racing is saturated with gambling. And yeah, the proposed ad is just downright tacky and tawdry.

Jones, is it the case that you have associates with interests in the Everest race? Is this why you acted like the Devil had pushed a peeled chilli up your arse? Get over it! Ms Herron understands the rules regarding the Opera House, and you're just an overbearing, over-pampered, piece of dung.

And Gladys Berejiklian, you should be utterly ashamed of yourself for not defending a NSW public servant when she was reviled by that bitter little personification of Toad of Toad Hall.

What a disgraceful business this is.  It actually got me doing something I pretty much never do, and that is signing one of those change dot org petitions. I wonder are Scummo and Berras feeling a bit uneasy at this backlash?

Reader, if you want to leave me a comment, I invite you to do so. However, I probably won't respond for a few days because I'm going on holidays.  Yaaaaaaay!

This has been a simian-inspired post. From Monkees, to organ-grinder's monkeys.

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