Sunday 2 September 2018

Dad's Day

 The past week has seen me stricken with a debilitating case of writer's block. What's also debilitating is the bout of gastro that rendered me helpless midweek. It came on with the suddenness and ferocity of a tsunami, and I think this is apt imagery with which to describe it.  Four days later, and my appetite is only just creeping back. I'm hoping like crazy I've lost some weight.

Although feeling slightly better physically (just sans my usual she-hog gluttony), I've been as miserable as fuck all weekend. Not because I'd been rostered to work because that does not bother me at all. No, this was just a really miserable weekend for me. It was a double whammy: Saturday was my father's birthday, and today is Father's Day.  I was very close to my dad, and I miss the old bugger dreadfully.  I inherited from my father my tallness, and my love of literature. To Kill A Mockingbird was a great favourite to us both, and we had wonderful discussions about that novel. The last gift I ever gave my dad was the sequel, Go Set A Watchman, which was released near the final birthday he celebrated. Dad was also very literate, and quite a fine poet.  Some time down the track I'm going to reproduce some of his work on this blog.

Yeah, it was something of a crappy day for me. I had to blink away tears as I drove to a nearby town for a client service. Combine this with a hangover of physical unwellness, and your blogger is rendered into something of a wretched malcontent.

Of course, I'm still dealing with issues that drag on, and on, and oooooonnnnn, loitering and dangling like one of those turds that just won't drop from the dog's arse. They WILL resolve, I know, but the sixty-four thousand dollar question is: WHEN?

I'm not alone. Some of my friends, my husband included, are feeling a pang on this day. If you're reading this, and are missing your dad because he is deceased: I feel  your pain. Relish those memories. If you're lucky enough to still have your father, then treasure him. If you are a father, enjoy your kids and happy Father's Day.

Anyway, here's a much loved photo of me with my dad, taken many years ago!

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