Friday 9 October 2015

On The (Pussy) Wagon

Normally, I find inappropriate sexist comments offensive. But I am one of those who was not actually offended by what David Reynolds said in relation to the all female driving team.  Now, for those of you who have spent the last few days in a vacuum, he was asked whether he was aware of the all female team, and in his reply jokingly referred to them as 'the pussy wagon'.  Following the throwaway comment, all manner of hell and unholy was unleashed.  The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse rode through, leaving a pile of steaming and toxic horse apples in their wake.  The seas churned, and the skies turned black.  The birds flew from the trees. A parallel universe imploded.  A giant sinkhole opened and swallowed a park where a group of orphans, out on their first enjoyable excursion EVER - were playing catchies.  I stubbed my toe.  And for his silly comment, Reynolds earned himself a $25,000.00 fine.

However, I decided to listen to the interview in which he made the comment, which as I have mentioned before, was a bit of a throwaway remark.  And yeah, I am not actually offended.  Of course it is not a witty remark.  The dude was not channelling Oscar Wilde.  But in the context of the interview etc etc etc, I really didn't give a fig about the remark.  I was not offended.  I have been subjected to sexist remarks in previous workplaces, and been very offended and upset.  But as puerile as his comment was, I didn't find myself wanting to take to his cojones with a scimitar.    Indeed, the female team didn't appear to be overly distressed, either.  And if the powers that be who issued this fine want to look fair dinkum about respecting women in motor racing, then how about abolishing the grid girls?  I don't care that the grid girls have chosen this manner in which to earn their income; it is, after all, their right, and I support that.  But it seems a bit stupid to fine someone a shitload of coin for a lame comment that could be construed as sexist, and in turn have grid girls strutting about.

But rest assured, there was something that did really grind my gears about the whole thing.  While everyone was busy losing their shit over Reynolds' reply to the question, did anyone stop to think WHY that question was asked?    It is one flog of a question ('flog' is my current word du jour).  Why does it matter that there is a team comprised of female drivers?  I can drive, too (not to the standard required for the event, and my navigation bites the fat hairy one).  When driving one generally uses their senses to be on the look out, and their hands and feet to make the brrrrm-brrrm do what it's meant to do.  At no point does one use one's genitals.  Well, I never have.  Maybe I'm in the wrong, but I've never had a parking ticket or speeding fine, either.  The fact that someone would think that, that FLOG of a question is relevant is, I would submit, the real offence here.  This floggy flog of a question just ruptures the space/time continuum with its true flogginess.  Haven't we moved on from this shit?  Mate, evolve already.  The rest of us have.  Come down from the tree from where you have been perched while chucking your faeces around; you will find it's pretty fun in the twenty-first century.

I'm going to enter a competition.  Contestants have to submit a story about an awkward date they've have been on.  I have a doozy up my sleeve.  This guy was just so not a keeper.  I'm not going to write about the night we were sitting on a bench in Hyde Park and he spunked in his jocks.  Yes, this did happen, and no I was not in the least flattered.  I know I'm hot (well, I've been told on good authority - hahaha!), but this was just icky.  Nay, it is another woeful evening, and one that cemented my opinion the guy was not a keeper.  Funny, I saw him a few years later, and he'd just got married.  I found myself wondering if, when he and his bride retired to their honeymoon suite, did he remove his wedding suit in time or did he shoot his foolish DNA all through the trousers, and gross out the suit hire place when he returned it.

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