Friday 18 September 2015

Peeves For Saturday 19 September 2015

I tell myself I will be a calm person, but every now and then I just give in and have to have a good old fashioned bitch session.  It can be wonderfully cathartic and saves me kicking the cat.  We actually don't have a cat (I loathe the shitty things), but you get my meaning, of that I'm certain.  Two things have really, really irked me over the past couple of days.  I will advise accordingly, but in the first instance, I must say I am very proud of how I dealt with my annoyance.  I simply unfriended this person on Facebook - well, it was someone I've never actually met and someone with whom I've not had much interaction, so I thought it was time to cut the ties, and 'unfriended'.  Anyway, here's why:

1. A meme I saw.  I don't know if this meme was generated by the person whom I unfriended.  But the fact this person shared it indicates this is a view this person holds.  Before I continue, I will point out I support a person's right to hold a view (no matter how dingbattish), but the memes and comments this person was making so flew in the face of my own ideology, I decided it might be time to just delete from friend's list.  I did so quietly with no fanfare, and no SHOUTY CAPITALS.  Having been on the receiving end of SHOUTY CAPITALS by a person who read a comment I had made on a thread, and then deleted, I know that using SHOUTY CAPITALS at a person (and a few swears) actually makes you look like an utter fuckwit.  So I decided to be dignified about it, and removed the person from my friend's list.  But back to the meme.  The meme said words to the effect that 'Judges Should Be Held Accountable When They Release A Person Into Society Who Then Commits A Crime, or something like that.  Then someone commented that the lawyers who help these people get off should be held accountable, too.  Now, those of you who know me well will be aware that this is akin to standing in front of an enraged, snorting bull, and waving a cape and yelling, 'Toro!  Toro!'  There was just So. Much. Stupid for this poor little Daughter of Eve (oh - I believe in Evolution, by the way, this is just a saying that I like) to comprehend in one sitting.  My head felt like it might implode with the weight of the Stupid, yet at the same time my head felt like it my explode with the pressure of My Anger.  I'm guessing it was the law of the irresistible force paradox that kept my head in place as the two opposing forces squabbled.  I don't know if the person I unfriended, or anyone who holds similar views (such as right wing shock jocks) is reading, but I will put this relatively simply, and type as slowly as possible for you.  We live in a society with the rule of law.  This is a good thing, unless you'd like to live in a society like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge.  We have to have laws, okay?  This is to prevent lives being ruined by abuse of power.  Now, the judge knows what the law is.  The judge's job is to interpret the law on the case before him or her, assess the evidence before him or her, and then apply the law as he or she sees fit in relation to the case before him or her.  As for holding lawyers accountable, that's just an equally asinine notion.  It is the lawyer's job to represent the best interests of his or her client.  If you find this unpalatable, then too bad.  Suck it up, buttercup.  What if someone is found not guilty by a  jury trial and released into society, then commits a murder?  Are you going to track down the members of the jury that gave this person his or her freedom, and hold them accountable, as well?  Seriously, the Dumb was overwhelming.  So, this person has been unfriended and I will no longer have to become irritated as I read the posts.  Although kind of proud that I took the mature road, I worry I might be losing some of my fire because I didn't choose to fight.  I just sat at my computer, regained my composure, and thought, 'Oh, I can't do this.  It's too stupid to argue with.  No point arguing with fools, I don't wish to be dragged down to that level.'

2. The Gloating Over The Closure Of Zoo Weekly.  Let me state this: I don't like Zoo Weekly.  So guess what?  I DON'T BLOODY WELL BUY IT!!! The gloating has been by feminists who support other women as long as those women make the same choices they'd make.  People who have a problem with women posing in bikinis are high-fiving and hanging out the bunting.  People have complained about the covers of Zoo being easily seen in supermarkets - I can kind of understand the annoyance, but I was under the impression Zoo was put on a higher shelf out of reach of kiddies.  I take umbrage with people gloating over people who have lost their jobs: models, photographers, writers, art department personnel, office admin personnel etc.  My heart goes out to those people.  I can't say I contributed to Zoo's dwindling sales because I was not a regular buyer.  I have read it at the houses of folk who did purchase the magazine, as was their RIGHT to.  But yeah, the content of the magazine annoyed the snot out of me, so I just chose to not purchase it.  The only thing I have a problem with, and it's a situation not limited to Zoo, is the airbrushing of the models.  Surely this does not contribute to women's self esteem at all.  But what really gives me the shits about the people cheering over a business becoming insolvent, is they probably champion other magazines on the supermarket shelves such as Cosmo, whose headlines are surely just as salacious as those on Zoo, but directed to the other 50% of the population.  Sure, 'More Jugs And Sploodge' is a rather bawdy headline (and what the fuck is 'sploodge'? Hang on, I think I know now...), but what about those on Cosmo?  I'm talking about 'How To Have An Orgasm That Will Have Your Eyes Rolling Into The Back Of Your Head And Your Toes Curling And The Top Of Your Skull Flying Off And Spinning Into Space Such As The Laws Of Ballistics Will Dictate?  And what about those other stupid magazines such as No Idea, and Who (Gives A Fuck)?  Their articles are just as obnoxious.  I'm thinking 'See How Kim Kardashian's Backside Blocks Out The Sun'; 'See How Kate Had A Catfight With Princesses Eugenie And Beatrice'; 'See How The Stars Lose Weight', 'See How Jennifer Aniston Is Pregnant After Being Probed By An Alien'; 'See How Nicole Argues With Keith Over Who Takes Out The Garbage'; 'See How The Prime Minister Once Wet His Pants When Sitting On The Mat In Kindergarten' ('See How Simone Doesn't Give A Shit').  See where I'm going with this?

Those are my rants.  Thanks for taking time to read.  If you wish, click on the links on my site and read the first chapters of my novels, and if you're so inclined, buy 'em!  Please.

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