Monday 13 July 2015

Today's Little Rant

Hands up who hates people who take the moral high ground and play God?  Here's a hint: I'm typing this with one hand.  I read today about some hotel employee who subtly decided to let the wife of a weekly patron know her husband was a cheater.  Y'see, the husband would check in once a week with a woman who was not his wife. I don't approve of cheating in a relationship per se, but here's the thing: your marriage ain't my business.  I would never interfere in a friend's relationship, unless he/she was clearly in a bad one.  If I didn't like my friend's partner, I would just suck it up and try to avoid seeing the partner where possible.  I have had in the past to advise a friend thus, when she took a serious loathing to a man one of her good friends had started to see.  Oh, she didn't think he was abusive, or a cheater, or likely to drain her bank account and head off to the Dominican Republic with the ill-gotten gains.  She just downright hated the dude.  That's fine.  It is her right.  But because she couldn't pinpoint anything that would be detrimental to her friend, I told her to just deal with it because it was her friend dating the guy, not her.  Her friend is no longer with this man.  Last time I saw this friend was at the wedding of our mutual friend, and the man she had brought as her plus one was very nice, and I'm happy for her.

To the hotel clerk who saw fit to interfere in someone else's marriage: I hope the philandering husband complained to the powers that be, and you got your scurvy arse sacked.  When I did my Cert III in Hospitality many years ago, I remember the teacher saying discretion was very important, as well as the basic politeness etc that goes with the job description.  By discretion, one does not give judgemental looks or remarks, and remains schtum when a gentleman checks in with his niece (when reading niece try and imagine little fingertip 'quotation marks' in the air, okay?).  Supposing the couple have an open marriage, and the wife's cool with his liaisons in the hotel, where he is PAYING for the privilege of a room and some presumed privacy?  Maybe she gets hot and turned on at the thought of him with another woman (it can happen, so don't roll your eyes and navigate away from my page, okay?).  Maybe she's using the time to get a good pounding from the pool boy, and it's all by mutual agreement between the parties.  What if she had received the letter and gone off the rails, shot her husband, and then self-harmed?  You don't know how people are going to react, so kindly stop interfering.  Unless the party is in obvious danger, mind your own bloody business.  Last I heard, sex between consenting adults is still legal, so what's your problem, Mr Piss-Elegant Busybody Of A Hotel Clerk?  In doing what you've done, it's quite possibly the parties are going to tell everybody they know not to use the venue for any function whatsoever, because they do not respect their clientele.  Take a moment to let that absorb, will you?

Songs I have put on my iPod recently:
1. 'Boys Don't Cry' by The Cure
2. 'Hey, Jealousy' by Gin Blossoms
3. 'The Middle' by Jimmy Eat World
4. 'Wild, Wild Life' by Talking Heads

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