Monday, 19 July 2021

The Poltroons of Parliament

 Has anybody else been watching Ms Represented? If you haven't heard about it, it's a four-part series wherein Annabel Crabbe interviews a multitude of female politicians, both former and currently serving, about their experiences in the job. I watched Episode 2 and what was revealed in that episode, to put not too fine a point on it, just boiled my piss. 

It's a common chestnut to say this, but WHY do some male politicians feel entitled to behave in a manner that would never be accepted in any other workplace? Parliament House is a workplace and us poor schlubs are the ones paying the wages. Sarah Hanson-Young spoke of her experiences when she was harassed by Cory Bernardi as she spoke during a parliamentary session. It seems there was a party somewhere in the building (which Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi could also describe as a 'wretched hive of scum and villainy'), and Cory took it upon himself to wander (more likely stagger) into the room and keep sitting closer and closer to where Sarah stood, until he was close enough to start murmuring nursery rhymes at her. This alone is obnoxious enough, but then he decided to display his utter destitution of decency and total propensity to malefaction by hissing a list of names of the men Sarah had reputedly slept with. Who, upon reading this, is thinking: What the actual fuck

If you're reading this, Cory, you inveterate bully, some questions:

1. Why is the sex life of another consenting adult any concern of yours?

2. Why should the sex life of a woman be used against her, when it is not used against a man?

3. Why did you think it was acceptable to distract and harass a woman in the workplace?

4. Why do you have no respect for women?

5. Why are you such a nasty scrote with the moral fortitude and manners of a scraping of pox-riddled rat smegma? 

6. Do you know slut-shaming is a really ineffectual tool that is used by, well, ineffectual tools?

7. Does this behaviour empower you because you're such a loser?

Under the laws of the Quantum Sex Life Paradigm, the more nosey, judgemental, gossipy, sexist, and nasty Person A  is about Person B's sex life, then the more insignificant, scarce, dull, and minimal is the sex life of Person A. To put it in lay person's terms, Cory: you seriously ain't gettin' any. This dearth of conjugal fun has rendered you as bitter and toxic as a cane toad that has had its toy taken away. To remedy this, I would suggest you go on eBay and look at acquiring:

1. Manners.

2. A life of your own that doesn't involve being pointlessly nasty about other's. 

3. A blow-up doll to take the edge off what appears to be your own frustration.

You and those other slimy grubs like Lleyonhelm should have a serious word with yourselves and ask yourselves WHY you are so fixated on the personal lives of women, and more importantly, why you think those personal lives are something over which you are entitled to be castigatory? Doc Brown is a fictional character, so he clearly can't transfer you in the DeLorean back to a time where belong with your stinking double standards, so since you are stuck in the twenty-first century, try and evolve like the rest of us, instead of sitting in a tree flinging your crap at others. 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Side B and a Different Compilation

 Apropos of my recent post wherein I started a playlist dedicated to some foul and toxic ghouls I have had the misfortune to have in my life who have caused me some distress, I now continue with Side B of the Melodic Misery:

1.Gonna Get Along Without You Now by Viola Ellis. It looks like that's what I'm going to have to do.

2. Another Bloody Motherfucking Asshole by Martha Wainwright. The lass has issues.

3. You Can Go to Hell by Alice Cooper. Often the people to whom this sentiment is directed are the most self-righteous prigs to ever manifest as carbon-based lifeforms. This situation is no exception to the rule.

4. Why'd Ya Do It? by Marianne Faithfull. The lyrics don't actually apply to my personal situation but the question is one I'd like to ask to some certain reproachable scum-dumpsters whose reprehensible actions contributed to a difficult situation for me. And speaking of those lyrics, have you read them? All I can say is: OUCH!

5. Instant Karma by John Lennon. 'Instant karma's gonna get you...'. Hopefully, right between the teeth. Hopefully, I will get to see it. 

6. Respectable by the Rolling Stones. Dedicated to the social climbers and nose-in-the-air types who think they're so much better than everybody else. Like the song says, 'Get out of my life/Don't come back.'

But enough of Side B. Let's look at Side A of my playlist that is dedicated to the loved family and friends that supported me over the past few weeks. By the way, I know it's been a few weeks since things came to a head, but I haven't been blogging - don't worry, haven't been stewing - I just made myself a goal to write about this and haven't. To the friends and family that supported me:

1. Thank You for Being a Friend by Andrew Gold. It's a no-brainer that I'd pick this, but I mean it.

2. You're a friend of Mine by Jackson Browne and Clarence Clemons. You people are friends of mine and you've helped me through a difficult and hurtful period.

3. Just Got Lucky by Jo Boxers. I did get lucky when you guys came into my life.

4. Waiting on a Friend by the Rolling Stones. 'I need someone I can turn to.' I know, with you guys, that I have that someone.

Oh well, not much else to report. Have a niggly headache which I suspect is a side effect from the A-Z vaccine shot I had yesterday. It hasn't bothered me too badly, but I did wake up aching and with a miasmic malaise that hung around like a cloud of insects around a street lamp for pretty much the entire day. So, I will either get my hot water bottle and crawl into bed, or watch another episode of Puberty Blues on Netflix and then crawl into bed. 'Nick off, ya moll; before I smash ya!'