Thursday 12 January 2023

It Rhymes with Hell

 I'm of a generation that was raised to believe one should not speak ill of the dead. Only say good things about the dead. So therefore: 'He's dead. Good.' To borrow from Clarence Darrow (and not Mark Twain, as is often apocryphally stated): 'I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.' 

You all know whom I'm talking about. Normally, when I hear someone's died, I feel a pang, even if I disliked the person. When I heard about Cardinal Pell's death, I felt nothing. Oh, I did have a fleeting thought that went something like: Disgusting creature who reckoned abortion was a greater moral crime than the abuse of children by men of God in houses dedicated to His name and who covered up this sickening behaviour, thus allowing it to continue

Honestly, I cannot understand why he is being lauded. Check former Liberal MP Joe Hockey's nauseating smoke-blowing: 

Note my reply. My fingers were typing the moment I saw that fatuous tweet, my face twisted into a rictus of shocked disbelief that someone could tweet something so totally tone-deaf, it makes a constipated camel sound like Pavarotti. Maybe I'm a hard-hearted harridan, but I'm saving my thoughts and sympathy for the survivors of the abuse, especially those who DIDN'T survive and succumbed to the inner demons arising from this abuse.

Why don't I think about something good? I've been watching Wednesday on Netflix, and must say, I'm loving it! I am enjoying this noir reimagination of the characters in The Addams Family and the script is deliciously diabolical. It would appear the scene at the dance has gone viral and my eighteen-year-old son has suggested we add Goo Goo Muck to our playlist. Wednesday's po-faced (or 'Poe'-faced, given the themes of the show) dance moves will be no doubt replicated dancefloors all over, consigning Thriller to long overdue obsolescence. It occurred to me that the song was out when I was the age Wednesday and her school colleagues are. I don't recall funking out to it at my school dances. I do recall dancing to Gotta Pull Myself Together by The Nolans (blech!). 

I had best return to my study now. Chat soon.  

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I was raised not to speak ill of the dead as well and thought I should have had a small amount of guilt when my first thought when I heard of his demise was…..Rot in hell! Well done to Daniel Andrew’s for considering the victims feelings when saying no to a memorial.
