Saturday 9 July 2022

Trying To Not Crack over Prac

 Okay, I got the assessments in. How did I go? Don't know, but I will find out soon enough. In the meantime, I've been getting myself ready for upcoming university practicum placement. This involved uploading every competency I have ever earned, or so it seems, as well as gaining a few new ones, such as specific anaphylaxis training (the training including in my first aid certificate apparently doesn't count). I also had to have my Working With Children Check verified by the department. Okay, I thought, but then I had a hassle uploading it. I figured this is because I have uploaded it before for a tutoring role, so I rang to check. My hunch was right, but I had to wait on hold for the equivalent of a geological epoch whilst the clerk checked. The hold music was The Look by Roxette. On a loop. Over and over and over. What I had once considered an innocuous piece of Eighties Europop became pure torture and I was one step from the fetal position, alternatively wailing for it to stop and wailing for my mummy. 

But it got sorted.

So what else is happening? Unless you've been under a rock, you'll be aware the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, thus placing termination laws in the hand of the individual states. There is no nice way I can think of to say this, so I will just be blunt: fuck you people, seriously. I get it, it's an emotive issue for many. But it can be emotive for the person making the decision, too. It's a procedure that is carried out for myriad reasons, none of which are the business of anybody but the person with the uterus. So can all you whackjobs waving your gruesome placards outside clinics just fuck off and go away? For all your blathering about saving an unborn, how much of a shit do you proffer when it is born? I'm guessing somewhere in the vicinity of none. I will go further to suggest that you would describe the mother as a moocher leeching off society. What next? Seizing data on period tracking apps to ascertain whether a skewed cycle is proof of an abortion? Monitoring people of childbearing years who might be travelling out of the state? If nothing else, think about the potential loss of dollars for the tourism industry; I can't imagine many people wanting to go on holiday in Gilead. 

Anyway, even though it seems I have done nothing but uni related work lately, I still have more to do. I am hoping with every fibre of my being this multitudinous paperwork I had to submit is because it is my first prac, and the information will be applicable to the subsequent practicums I undertake, because I must tell you, it is arduous and tedious and lengthy, and made me want to snap nails in half with my teeth. 

Still, I got it uploaded, and it's made me feel oddly proud. What else am I proud of this week? Well, I didn't get into a huge argument with someone about Roe vs Wade who used the trope of 'keep your legs shut and don't destroy life because you've had five minutes of fun'. You might be wondering why I didn't go ballistic; well, I was at this person's house when the view was expressed and I have this thing about being civil to someone in their own house. One thing I am weirdly proud of is, after viewing an instructional video, I figured out how to change the ringtone of my new phone to the opening of Anarchy in the UK. This might seem childish. It could appear unseemly. But what the hey? 

Oh well, study awaits and then I'm going online to purchase clothes for prac. 

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