Sunday 5 January 2020

And I'm STILL Fired Up

It would appear that if you are domiciled in the city and criticise the Liberal government, you are a latte-sipping leftie; if you live in the rural areas and expression similar disgruntlement, you are a bogan. I've lived in the city, but have spent the last seventeen years in the Upper Hunter Valley of NSW (where I spent my childhood).  Therefore, if the views of Chris Smith are anything to go by, I'm a bogan. Chris Smith - yes, the man who practically evacuated his bowels in his impassioned speech stating Scott Morrison is the greatest leader this country has ever had! - obviously enjoys punching down, because the people he's directing his derision to have lost everything in fires, and given the woeful behaviour of the Prime Minister, are not inclined to shake his hand. Smith, if you want to be that way about the victims of the current catastrophe, you're a sewer goblin.  Also capering among the subterranean channels of ordure are:

1. Jeremy Clarkson for his detestable article about Australia being God's laboratory, hence the bushfire crisis, which by his moronic logic, proves Australia just isn't meant to be inhabited by humans. Could someone please tell this jerk that about twenty-four people have died, along with a countless number of wildlife? As an addendum, could the jerk also be informed that Australia was inhabited for about 120 thousand years before becoming England's dumping ground?

2. Sam Newman for describing those who refused to shake Morrison's hand as 'miserable pricks'. In case Old Plastic Face doesn't understand, they LOST EVERYTHING IN THE FIRES! Also, some of those firefighters are criminally exhausted, and are doing more to deal with the fires than Sam is (although in fairness, if Sam stood too close, his face would end up resembling that Dali painting of melting clocks).

3. Tony Allen. He's a councillor in Bega, and was Scomo's wingman during the Bega visit the other day. He's also the slimy bloke you saw in the footage shushing the young woman who told Morrison she'd only shaking his hand if better funding was made available to fire services. Yeah, because we all need old men keeping the young women in their place and stopping them having a voice. Not only that, he actually kissed her cheek! God, he's the embodiment of every horrible sleazy old slob that your parents had in their social circle (you know, the one who'd come to visit and you'd hide in your room, and who always ran around with a sprig of mistletoe at Christmas parties). It is possible that she is acquainted with this horror-on-two-legs, but that footage still make my flesh crawl and my stomach churn.

4. Indue - there are real concerns that the stupid cashless welfare card will fail whilst there are power outages etc in the bushfire affected areas, and people subjected to the bullshit scheme will be unable to access food. I can see this happening. Another good reason to stop this ridiculous card.

Anyway, tonight we are blessed with a cool southerly breeze. I am not as fractious as I have been of late. Heat and I do not mix well. Another blessing is to see the generosity of people everywhere as donations and offers of help are being extended to the fire services, affected townships, and animal hospitals.

Every little bit helps. What also helps is not referring to distraught and displaced people as bludgers on welfare etc.

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