Friday 21 June 2019

Fathead Folau & Dropkick Dutton

How big a hide does Israel Folau possess? Can anyone answer me? We are talking about a sportsman who wilfully violated the terms of a contract that he willingly signed with his employer, cried foul when he was dismissed by the ARU, is bringing legal action against the ARU, and has - I shit you not - set up a Go Fund Me page for this vexatious bullcrap! Furthermore, there is a disclaimer at the foot of the page specifying funds might not go to the legal bills. This seems he's not only putting out his hand for money for legal fees, but that any funds donated might end up elsewhere!

Hey, Izzy, you avaricious jackass, you supposedly drive a Lamborghini and have a supposedly have a property portfolio worth in the vicinity of five million dollars, so would it not occur to you to sell an asset and fund your lawsuit YOURSELF?

You might think it's about your free speech and right to practise your religion sans discrimination from your employer, but when you tweet that you're facing 'the biggest fight of (your) life' after cocking up your legal contractual obligations, any skerrick of credibility you still had had absolutely flatlined.

Get in the bin.  Oh, and I'm sure people who are facing life-threatening illness can totally sympathise with you. Pffffft!

And while I'm on the subject of utter twatwaffles, how odious a grub is Peter Dutton? He's accused women of making false claims of rape that require abortion to get into Australia. Just when I thought he couldn't get any worse, lo and behold, he comes out with a statement that just dredges the foul lake of noisome offensiveness.  What is wrong with our Ministers of the Crown? Seriously, they denied a birthday cake to a two-year-old in detention! What's wrong, guys? Scared the people providing the cake had planned to shove a file in it? Ministers of the Crown? More like Monsters of the Crown!

You're a miserable reptilian swine, Dutton. Get in the bin next to Folau.

I will be interested to see how Folau's case plays out. If the court rules, in accordance to law, that ARU DID discriminate against Folau, then I will - with exceptionally bad grace - accept that ruling.

Well, I'd better go and get ready. We are going out to see a production of Les Mis in the next town tonight. Should be a nice evening for the clan.

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