Thursday 6 December 2018

Baby, It's Cold Outside & The Temperature Matches Your IQ

I've still got this dreaded lurgy, and it's a merciless thief of energy. It makes me glad I don't find most works of art - be they film, song, or literature - offensive and want them banned, because I'd pass out with exhaustion! The exhaustion I've had this past week has made me very drained and miserable, but if I was one of those perpetually offended pussy-arsed sooks that takes umbrage with just about EVERYTHING, then I'd be catatonic from the debilitating lethargy.

In case you haven't heard, some radio stations in the North American area of the globe have removed Baby, It's Cold Outside from their Christmas playlist, following the whingeing of some chronically lugubrious malcontents who claim the song has coercive and predatory overtones. I'd like to say I'm being satirical, but sadly, I am not. Some stations have capitulated to these moaning morons, who are also likely the same moaning morons that think saying 'Merry Christmas' is offensive to non-Christians. Here's a hint, you miserable milquetoasts: it's not offensive to non-Christians. Non-Christians have realised there are better things to worry about.

So, is this song problematic in its lyrics? Are the lyrics predatory. Perhaps. Or perhaps they are just a bit of cheeky fun. It's up to the individual listener to interpret those lyrics. The song, when performed by a talented duo, can be a beautiful harmonic blend. But just for shits and giggles, I'm going to post hereunder a link to a performance by Rudolph Nureyev and Miss Piggy on The Muppet Show. Miss Piggy is portrayed as the would-be seducer, and Rudy wants to get away from her clutches. The scene for this - ahem! - ham-fisted seduction takes place in a sauna.

Watch and enjoy. And all you naysayers, what's going to offend you in this clip? Aside from Miss Piggy's refusal to take no for an answer, maybe you're taking umbrage with the bestial interspecies erotica implied in this clip, or perhaps it's the fact that Nureyev, a gay man, is being forced to hide his sexuality owing to homophobia.

Is everything that might be slightly dodgy to be banned? Hey, I like the Osmonds as much as anybody - they're very talented - but they're going to be boring after a while because there will be nothing else to which we will be allowed to listen.

Baby, maybe it IS cold outside, but with this half-based idea, your HEAD is EMPTY inside.

Can I please beseech people to stop trying to have everything banned? You don't like it? Listen to something else. Problem solved. If you MUST have Christmas songs removed from playlists, start with The Little Drummer Boy and Last Christmas. Those songs suck the dried dags from the lanolin-matted wool around an old ram's arse.

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