Tuesday 11 April 2017

Don't Cry For Me, Argent

I'm kind of losing track of the days here, being school holidays and all.  I feel like it's a Saturday night because I haven't been making tomorrow's school lunches and the kids are up late, but I've been to meditation tonight so it's therefore Tuesday.  I am working tomorrow, but at some time soon will have to do my updated author bio for my upcoming novel 'Howling On A Concrete Moon'.  I might have to add to my stock standard list of interests.  My usual interests are cooking, cinema, cryptic crosswords and sketching.  I might add annoying people to that list.  I don't know if this is an interest per se, or just a natural talent.  I suppose my problem is I read something on social media that annoys me intensely, and comment - politely - but because my comment is in the 'other' opinion, I am met with outrage.  Sometimes I get annoyed back, and sometimes I rub my fingertips together as I chuckle with a kind of unholy joy and think: My evil work here is done!

I'm still thinking of compiling some tracks for the inspirational albums I would like to see released.  I'm also wondering whether to risk losing friends by pointing out something unsavoury.  I've seen an online petition calling for the re-sentencing of a Matthew Lee Williamson, who according to the sentencing judge inflicted a fatal blow on his daughter.  Look, I think this guy is a festering piece of shit.  But what is the point circulating a petition because you think the sentence is inadequate, with a view to presenting the petition to the sentencing judge.  What do you think this is going to do?  Let me give you a little hint: fuck all.  The judge has issued her sentence.  The fact you don't like (or understand) it will not make her alter it.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't have that power now that the case is over, but a higher court - being the Court of Criminal Appeal - would be able to should the DPP decide to appeal her sentence.  Has the DPP appealed?  If they haven't, then it is likely because the sentence is actually not inadequate.  The guy entered a plea of guilty to MANSLAUGHTER, and it is on this plea, and this charge, that she must formulate her sentence.  She also has to review submissions and precedents.  It's not all black and white.  There has been mention of evidence of sexual abuse, but those were not the charges before Her Honour, and so she couldn't take those into account.  The charges related to manslaughter.  Also, a plea of guilty will often garner an offender a lesser sentence.  If Her Honour has acted within the parameters of the law, and issued a sentence across the board, then these petitions are pointless.  Also, judiciary who are swayed by public opinion instead of applying the law are actually a bit corrupt, doncha reckon?

Okay, that's off my chest and flung to the far corners, kind of like a stripper's bra in a bawdy, hot, sweaty dive of a nightclub.  I don't know why I've used that simile, but I have.  I'm tired.  I will start my list for the next CD, but this CD will be better aimed at helping those recover from the hurt and bullshit, and get on with life.  It will start with this number:

'Hold Your Head Up' by Argent, and covered by the Party Boys in 1987.  I had their album.  Still do, out in the ubiquitous brown milk crate that all house-sharers of the Eighties used for music collection storage. But sometimes you do have to do exactly what the song says.  'If it's bad/Don't let it get  you down/You can take it/And if it hurts/Don't let them see you cry, you can take it....' 

Whilst I haven't exactly been crying lately, I've been hurt.  The crumbs who have caused pain might not be aware they have caused pain.  I don't know.  But they won't see me cry.  They're really not worth crying over, although that doesn't necessarily alleviate the hurt.  Reader, I'm sorry to post obscure rantings without explanation, but in this case, discretion is the better part of valour.  I really cannot say too much here.  I know what I'd like to say to a particular person, and it goes something along the lines of, 'Find yourself a nice, virile stud camel, stroke it's penis until it's erect, and then fellate that motherfucker until your mandible aches!'  But I won't.  I will maintain my dignity (stop laughing, I do so have dignity!) and as the song says, keep my head held up. 

Standby for the list of numbers for the CD dedicated to those who need some strength.  Watch this space.....

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